What are you playing now? [2007-2018]

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Just started the Witcher II. Something is seriously messed up. Doesn't matter what I enable or disable in the graphics settings, the game runs at about 1 fps (literally) regardless :cry:
The Witcher 2 is out ?

and whats ur PC spec? I wonder how it'll perform on my PC?!?! I got a quad core Q9450 @ 2.66 Ghz and 4Gb Corsai+ATI 4850 512mb.
Steam is offerring Far Cry 2 for $5 and Far Cry for $2.50 right now !

How are the mod communities for Far Cry 2? Though the game was weird , if there are cool mods for it out there, I can buy it for that price !

I think the Mod community of Far Cry was pretty strong, anyways ! My old disc is scratched and unreadable, guess I'll buy Far Cry for the mods !
Be warned, it is a terrible game. May seem fun at first, but the weapons feel puny and the enemy AI is infuriating, not to mention their respawning literally every 5 minutes or so.
I hate respawning enemies. Destroys any sense of accomplishment for me when I return to an area I've already laid waste to and it's like all my previous work clearing it out was for naught.
I got it free with a graphics card and still haven't played it. Too bad cause the first one was great. It's a good benchmark though if you want to pay $5 for that.
I hate respawning enemies. Destroys any sense of accomplishment for me when I return to an area I've already laid waste to and it's like all my previous work clearing it out was for naught.

Oh wow, Far Cry 2 is going to have you throwing your PC out the window in double quick time. Take two steps outside a town or village and the thirty guys you just killed magically re-appear.

FC1 was a good game, FC2 was just a (pretty) exercise in frustration.
Beating a dead horse but yeah FC2 is only good for the first few hours. Then it's basically a grind of the same three of four missions with respawning enemies as you drive to the objective. I'd suggest watching the Zero Punctuation review of it.

OTOH, 5 dollars is probably a fair price for a couple of hours of solid shooting with a nice take on health-regen which isn't as dumbified as most, and some cool weapons. Setting the savana on fire with the flame-thrower and have the wind carry the blaze to the enemy's trenches is very satisfying.
Its not a terrible game IMO, but the constant travelling from one objective to the next gets very old very fast. The gameplay itself is pretty good and game world is very impressive. The re-spawning is pretty much critical given the amount of travelling you have to do over the same areas, otherwise the game would be completed dead. For £5 though its probably worth it just to experience the pretty amazing recreation of Africa.

And back on topic, I'm almost finished with AC2 now.. frickin amazing game. I'll probably pick up Brotherhood later tonight. Should be about a tenner. PC FTW :D
The eternal quest to liberate the Goodness continues,
scouring my local charity shops i discovered the following slices.

Lock On Modern Air Combat (cool flight sim already got it but worth paying £1 for a backup)
Call of Juarez (fps western I think, still havnt finished Gun)
Bioshock (already got it, but this version came in a metal tin
Max payne (classic, worth 50p to have a backup)
Warhammer 40k Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
Neverwinter Nights - Shadows of Undrentide
Total Overdose (looks like a just cause clone)
Jowood RPG Compliation (Arx Fatalis, Archangel, Gorasul) 3 games 50p cant complain
Syndicate Wars (awesome been after this for years. See the Gaming Gods reward the righteous)
ps: while googling to see how to run in under win7 x64 I found a windows port and it works brilliantly
Jowood RPG Compliation (Arx Fatalis, Archangel, Gorasul) 3 games 50p cant complain

Congratulations, that's excellent value. Arx alone is worth double digit dollars even today.

Syndicate Wars (awesome been after this for years. See the Gaming Gods reward the righteous)
ps: while googling to see how to run in under win7 x64 I found a windows port and it works brilliantly

Thanks for the link. Although I prefer the original I'd been meaning to play one of them but too lazy to search for a port/emulator.
Sins of a Solar empire (still figuring things out) and Majesty II easy to learn, difficult to master/beat.

Can't get into consoles (at least not for long) and always end up coming back to PC gaming. Perhaps it's the target audience, but most console games look (and play) alike to me. Even RPGs aren't really RPGs on a console, and become button mashing feasts. Yes, there are exceptions (demon's souls, Origins, ME1), but not many.

I've tried Eve Online for the Nth time, and once again liked the experience, but would never commit the time.
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