I just remembered "Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis" !
WAY too many to list. Here a few.
Does anyone remember Scorched Earth? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scorched_Earth_(video_game) I didn't have scorched earth on amiga so I programmed my own version using amos(fancy basic)
Though I played lemmings on amiga.
Fond memories not in chronological order:
Mass Effect (PC)
Eye of Beholder (Amiga)
Castle Master (C64 vectors yey!)
Alien Breed 3D TKM II (Amiga)
PitStop 2 (C64)
Forza (XBOX)
GunShip 2000 (Amiga)
The Witcher 1,2,3 (PC)
Riddick: Escape from the Butcher Bay (PC)
DeusEx (PC)
Half-Life (PC)
Blood II (PC - specificaly MP via serial cable or later BNC 10Mbps network)
Quake all of them with special memories in QII MP and Q3 Team Arena (PC)
Unreal (PC)
Far Cry - the first one (PC)
Crysis - again first one was the most impressive (PC)
Not fully opinionated about CP2077 as it's too fresh of a game, but I was immersed in the city and story, for sure best game I've played in 2020.
Yup Turrican 2 was one of the best experiences I had on the Amiga.
Along with Xenon 2 Megablaster, Chaos Engine, Lemmings, Railroad Tycoon, Lotus Turbo Challange 2, Silly Putty and Bubble and Squeak.
And best of all was Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix, and it's take-it-in-turns multiplayer, on Sunday afternoons with my Dad and brothers
When you leave Ayron Senna in the lead of the GP, only to return to find another player has taken him out with one of their backmarker drivers.
It's quite surprising how few modern games have been listed on this thread. Is that because many posters are of a certain age game less now, have games lost their magic, are they aimed at a different auidence or something else?
It's quite surprising how few modern games have been listed on this thread. Is that because many posters are of a certain age game less now, have games lost their magic, are they aimed at a different auidence or something else?