Well , my 9700 Pro review should be up on Monday

Sorry folks. Had a hard drive crash which delayed the review a bit. But have added UT2003 Demo and Retail benchmarks (yes there is a difference)....
Ben6, did you?

<broken record>

Did you compare the IQ to other cards, using a high quality ("not an IQ bottleneck") CRT?

</broken record>

If not, gimme another reason to read Yet Another Review With The Usual Bencmarks Including UT2003 And No Image Output Quality Comparison.

No. Actually, I'll read it anyway. I like reviews.

And can't wait for the surprise! =)
Funny. Above, the forum software hid my "broken record" tabs. Where did they go, I mean are they tabbing some other text now? Jeepers.
so where is the damned review??
Also where is ur parhelia review??
I hope u include it in the benchmarks. No one seems to do that.
Hmmm rev, ben, I see myself as a professional hobbyist? :)
My review will be up today also, was planning to get it done last night,
everything is there, but I think I put in some images and graphs.
Better to make a good full featured review then a fast 2 benchmark article and then call it a review...
Yup, it's done.
However my boss (Wavey) :) want to have a nice schedule for our articles and I believe we have 3 ready to launch. So you will see the review when we decide it can go live...
Sorry folks, things have not gone according to plan. Here's a revised TOC for my review . Note a couple of surprises. We will endeavor to put it up ASAP....

1. Introduction
2. Featureset including a look at fullscene antialiasing from the Geforce2 to the Radeon 9700
3. Gameplay descriptions and screenshots from : SOFII , Madden 2002, Nascar 2002, Warcraft III, Morrowind, Unreal Tournament 2003 , Dungeon Siege and Tiger Woods 2002 Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast, Flight Simulator 2002. Note it's unlikely that I'll have enough space in the review to have screenshots for all 10 games
4. Benchmarks from UT2003, Quake3, Sharkmark, 3DMark 2001, Aquanox , Comanche4
5. AIW Radeon 9700 Preview
6. Conclusion

Edited because that was a no-no ...
can wait, but only cause I have no other choice! ;)

Reverend said:
If only my 9700 eval unit hadn't been stuck at the airport customs for days, you'd all be envious. :)

And to finally have the go-ahead (but not from id, since they probably don't even know I have it) to use the Doom3 tech build I have would beat all you "first to use retail UT2003" wannabes. If only the ethical and consciencious (correct spelling?) side of me would stop disturbing me.

A-h-h-h-hemmmmm..... I am very sorry to inform all of you of this, but I have had a 9700 for several weeks now and UT2K3 for a couple of weeks, too.

So John, Ben, Rev--you can all stop this nonsense immediately! *I* played it first (I expect mention of this in your respective reviews, as well as a full side-bar entitled "Let's See what Walt Thinks"....)
