Well I just ordered an Xbox 360 :p

It's funny because I should be the LAST person to have an Xbox 360. I had no interest in buying one, no preorder, dont care about any of the announced games.

Yet here I am caught up in the hype :D

I'll probably just leave it unopened and see how the shortage situation pans out...
yeah I dont want to wait a year but also there's not much on 360 that interests me. Not for $60 a game. Damn, I think I made a mistake.

Hopefully ebay hysteria kicks in next month.
They are going for up to $900 on Ebay right now.

Of course that's for launch day systems shipped overnight. No telling how much you would get if you have to wait a few extra weeks. Maybe nothing if supplies are steady.
seismologist said:
It's funny because I should be the LAST person to have an Xbox 360. I had no interest in buying one, no preorder, dont care about any of the announced games.

Yet here I am caught up in the hype :D

I'll probably just leave it unopened and see how the shortage situation pans out...

Hooray for impulse buying!
I'll probably be getting it also (on launch day) heres hoping that my local Walmart didn't get alot of pre orders.
I'll probably end up doing the same. I really have no preference, only having owned a Playstation 2 for a few months now (the PS3 launch made me!!), but I was mostly looking forward to the Playstation 3. Some comments here are exactly right: why wait a whole year? They are not that expensive and it's not like you have to keep pouring cash into games for it if you don't enjoy it. The worst thing that could happen is that you end up with an interesting toy to hook up to your WIndows LAN and tinker with. :smile:

The only thing: I hate the color. I wish they had it in black.
BlueTsunami said:
I'll probably be getting it also (on launch day) heres hoping that my local Walmart didn't get alot of pre orders.

Walmart does preorders?

I didn't think places like Walmart, Target, K-mart, or bestbuy did that.
Bobbler said:
Walmart does preorders?

I didn't think places like Walmart, Target, K-mart, or bestbuy did that.

I thought they did. If not than that bodes well for me since the supply (at the local walmart) will be there no matter what (I just have to get there early). It opens at 12am for the launch so i'll probably break out the PSP and wait it out. :D
seismologist said:
It's funny because I should be the LAST person to have an Xbox 360. I had no interest in buying one, no preorder, dont care about any of the announced games.

Yet here I am caught up in the hype :D

I'll probably just leave it unopened and see how the shortage situation pans out...

Launch day, I am going to Target at noon and if they have the 399 SKU, i am buying it. Then probably sell it on EBay.
Alright guys, what do you think the best eBay strategy is? Sell your pre-order before the 22nd, the 22nd itself, 'black Friday,' post-black Friday madness, or right before Christmas?

Any input and reasoning appreciated! ;)
I actually got the chance to play one today ( there finally set up in the UK ) i im a dissapointed in it. i thought all that low res and jaggie crap was blown out of proportion, but it was'nt. I thought it was the fact that there all set in 480i in america so i assumed it would be the same over here in the UK, but alas the store worker guranteed me it was set to 720p as he claimed to of witnessed the Microsoft tech person switch this little thing on the back if a cable and put it into 720p.

What a let down.

Low's :

1)The console itself is friggin HUGE.
2)Dont like the Pad
3)The games i played ( COD2, Kameo ) looked like crap.

Plus's :

1)Although it is HUGE the console design it-self is actually quite cool
2)It shoud atleast sound good on my 7.1 set-up

NOTE : if any one here is from the UK and wondering were i played it, it was at any GAMESTAION store.....NOT i repeat NOT...... GAME
I may end up having four...don't ask. IF IF IF I do and someone wants one, I won't gouge you. I'll repost in this thread to let you know, then just PM me and we can work it out.


Although I may auction it off or donate it to nswfoundation and have them auction it.

It's a forum dedicated to gameplay discussions, not Ebay scams. ;)

BTW, from the latest rumors, Walmart/Target/Best Buy/etc will have a lot of units on the shelves, and then a steady supply.
It seems Ebayers won't have a lot of time if they want to rip-off desesperate idiots.
Vysez said:
It's a forum dedicated to gameplay discussions, not Ebay scams. ;)

BTW, from the latest rumors, Walmart/Target/Best Buy/etc will have a lot of units on the shelves, and then a steady supply.
It seems Ebayers won't have a lot of time if they want to rip-off desesperate idiots.

Hey it's capitalism, no scam here! :p

All indications are though that all of those stores will be sold out come launch day, so that supply of consoles would have to be pretty steady.
I'm in edmonton, for some reason our futureshop's are getting more consoles than anywhere else in canada/store.

I can tell you everyone is sold out, if you call up the stores they tell you exactly how mny 360's they are getting like they've said it a million times.

Toys R us is sold out, with like 3 core systems left. Blockbuster is sold out. FS has about 40/store not pre-ordered. All EBGAmes are of course wold out.

The best bet is walmart, they have around 42premiums, and 22 cores for each store.

It's tight as hell though, these things aren't gonna last. The ace in the hole may be Costco....as if my GF is gonna get up a 8am and go with me to COstco so I can use her card though....I think a 6 a.m visit to the far northside walmart is my best bet.
Gholbine said:
You guys reckon I'll be able to pick one up if I just walk into a store in say, early Febuary?

That's what the Futureshop guys are saying. If you don't get one now it may take until February.