Website's that you used to visit, but don't anymore

That was my first "favorite" site, all about hardware, games, and had pretty good humor with it. Then Billy got kicked (and later died), and they sold out. Now it looks like crap, and I detest the IGN network.

edit, I didnt even read any replies until after I posted. I need to stop doing that... Anyways, seems a lot had the same thoughts as I did.
Voodooextreme here too, for the above listed reasons.

All major hardware sites can be added to my 'ignore' list, plus some of the smaller ones.
Add VE to my list, as well as any other website that is now owned by IGN.
fallguy said:

That was my first "favorite" site, all about hardware, games, and had pretty good humor with it. Then Billy got kicked (and later died), and they sold out. Now it looks like crap, and I detest the IGN network.

edit, I didnt even read any replies until after I posted. I need to stop doing that... Anyways, seems a lot had the same thoughts as I did.

I haven't seen you lately on nVNews either Fallguy? You used to be on there?
Voodooextreme was also one of the first sites I visited regularily, and Sharkyextreme, Bluesnews, that Shack something... Shacknews?...and couple of others I don't remember... all 3D something...
Gone Gold, back in the day. I (am kind of glad that I) stopped visiting for some reason before the decline, closure, and subsequent flamewars (or so I'm told).
Tomshardware, because he has shit for brains.
JC's news, only because he seems to have disappeared.
I have mostly stopped HardOCP, mostly go for links, thats all. because apart from 2 or 3 ppl most have their heads so far up their arses they never see sunlight. Esp Tiggerz ><
I still go to the forums but dont really bother with Ed anymore.
VE - for every reason mentioned so far.
Tom's - the same. - because Ed is one of the most arrogant knowitall buttholes I ever saw.
Sharky - it got boring when Sharky left and the suits took over and started posting bogus reviews that were bought for money.
Firingsquad - same here, except replace sharky for thresh.
Nvnews - just too damn many NV ******s, both staff and visitors.
3DGPU - same here.
Rage3D - no point in it really.
JC's - site died.
Ace's hardware - site died. In my opinion anyway. ;)
IGN - was pretty decent on the whole until they started with that insider shit and Matt explained how we non-insiders were leeches sucking their blood. Fuck you Matt, we put you where you are now you ungrateful prick.

...Probably others I've forgotten all about.
First site I frequently visited was Apolyton, kind of stopped there when I got tired of CTP and Civ 3, plus their Off topic section ( a good section, but after a year + it get repetative :D ) I still go there now and again though so it doesn't really fit the profile as site is still great for what little I see these days...

The only site I frequented a lot and than left for good is NVnews - left after the "best ****** site" turned into an on-line fascist dicatorship with executions and all that :p

other than that I went to Firingsquad, Tech-report, Hocp for brief periods, of which TR is still great, but it doesn't suit my interests as much as B3D or EB... FS was OK as far as I am concerned, while [H] is more like [T] IMO so no reason to go there anymore at all. oh yes, I still have an accout on our dear Teh Inq forums but they are too wacky there for me...
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(One for Azbat)

Dimension3D. May it rest in peace.

Many of the population lurked there before B3D grew into what it is today.
Oh, I almost forgot. Cloudchaser/XenGamers/Modojo. I had a personal record of 5000+ posts there, but I left permanently.