It just finished. The folks in chat weren't very positive about the game lol
Is steam going to have it for preloading?
I'd like to be able to actually play it on the 27th.
Where did you see the reference for the PS4? They don't say what platform the game is for and the IQ is nothing like the shots we've seen in this thread.
It looks like a game from 2007. I'd say that's the PS3 version.
Where did you see the reference for the PS4? They don't say what platform the game is for and the IQ is nothing like the shots we've seen in this thread.
It looks like a game from 2007. I'd say that's the PS3 version.
The multiplayer footage had a Alienware logo appear at one point. Surely that wouldn't be present on the PS4?
The game looks good to me, not as pretty as 2012, but still strong.
Far far away from the almost Samaritan level graphics they sold us.
Wasn't the Samaritan demo Epic’s love letter to the console manufacturers as the amount of power they’d like in the ‘next-gen’?
I guess if Ubisoft had similar expectations then they’d also target that level of spec. So while we’re all pointing our fingers at the publishers and developers, is it actually possible that during the multiple hardware revisions for the systems, they got substantially downgraded since those trailers were shown?
After seeing Infamous SS (and the latest Drive Club video) i am convinced we will be shocked with ND next game. So, more than a subject about power i think here we have a mismanagement problem whose first clue is a severe problem with the lighting engine in the game.
PS: DC latest video by the way
Yes these are PS4 footage.PS4 footage !
Yes, this has been the trend, Titanfall, Theif, Wolfenstein, DayLight, Ghosts .. etc, 3GB is the standard right now.Good thing Nvidia has been shorting consumers on RAM for ages
Lots of very high end Nvidia cards will only have 2GB (forget the 580 and below).