Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

I think Ill be waiting for the PC modding community to fix this games lighting before purchasing.
Well this just happened:

The gamespot footage actually gives an impression of a game that is fun to play and a fairly believable city that runs smoothly. The multiplayer aspects seem fun or annoying, depending on your perspective ;) and there are some nice touches - you can go on boats and that looks very good (AC4 water tech is my guess) and cars having cockpit view is also a very nice touch. It seems surprisingly close to GTA, closer perhaps than any others have managed so far, but the whole hacking thing is a significant presence and gives some fun options like opening a bridge during a police chase.
At least they did release it which is the right thing, I suppose it would of been very tempting to delay another year to improve the graphics.
I havent heard anything about it being buggy (like say bf4)
I see the same company is responsible for Far Cry 4 so I'ld be taking the released footage from that game with a grain of salt as well
I do agree the game does not look incredible. But damn are people here being overly hard on it. Next gen version looks comparable to GTAV on its good moments lighting wise, and closer to GTAIV on its bad moments. Last gen looks more like IV most of the time (based on youtube, of course). To me it seems the biggest thing GTAV got right over this on the gfx department is their SSAO is very good, and really helps when no direct lighting is at play. WD's has a smaller radius, and is probably less geometrically corect than GTA's. Aside from that, it seems to have most rendering features as GTA, and AAA asset quality, albeit its diferent art style.
Comparing to Quake 2 or complainging about lack of GI (very genercic term) or "character self-shadowing" shows great lack of techinical knowlege.
The internet forums have always been overzealous with anyone that disappointed them and failed to meet their expectations. Just look at the new thread here where someone wanted to know how to improve the X1's scaler...
IMO game looks fun.
But the graphics are far from what ubi originally promised.
They fall short of their subsequent showings of the game as well.

I have a hard time understanding the system requirements for this.
If the game won't run as smooth as butter on pc I might never buy a Ubi product again since I was stupid enough to pre-purchase it.
I'm having lots of doubts right now.
If this is all they could do, it's very possible the game might run like shit on pcs...
If the game runs like crap on good hardware, I'll fell very very cheated.
Well it's the most preordered next gen title for GameStop thus far, so take what you want from that circumstance.
Supposedly "gfx comparison" PS4 vs X1

By Polygon. Do they even have the game? Isn't it under NDA? Or did they just make a comparison out of some video they found on the net?

Anyways, to me X1 actually looks better there due to punchier blacks/gamma settings.
IS the ps4 so weak to have that much pop-in to happen? I mean the Gamespot footage has trains popping in, vehicles, vehicle lights, billboards, everything can be seen appearing in front of you :cry: !
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Supposedly "gfx comparison" PS4 vs X1

By Polygon. Do they even have the game? Isn't it under NDA? Or did they just make a comparison out of some video they found on the net?

Anyways, to me X1 actually looks better there due to punchier blacks/gamma settings.
Here's a better comparison video with matched gamma (I personally don't like Polygon), along with some notable differences. AO on XB1 looks absent or lower quality, shadow resolution looks lower and it seems to have less self shadowing. Aliasing also looks slightly worse on XB1 (probably due to the resolution differences). Overall sharpness is hard to judge on a compressed YT video.

But I would wait for DF's analysis.
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I would not have noticed this had you not pointed it out. The only thing I've seen about this game which I don't like the look of it the kamikaze cop AI which looks stolen from GTA II / Vice City.

Police cars slamming into your car if you've just committed mass murder :yep2:, but for minor crimes? :nope: I wonder if this is a decision to make the police more challenging given it's fairly easy to hack things to stop them, at least in the centre of the city.

For me, GTA V's police mechanics are unparalleled. They don't magically know where you are, you can avoid them, and once you've broken their line of sight on your, you can lose them realistically.