Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

This has got to be one of the most graphically inconsistent game ever made. The day time footage just looks...sad. Sigh, to think the mammoth budget, man power and time spent on this train wreck.
They could have made the game look considerably better if they just added some depth/contrast to the image in the daytime. A little more color wouldn't hurt either. Judging by the nighttime footage, IQ isn't terribly bad, but all of the details are washed out by the overblown whites/overexposed picture. The lighting does look considerably downgraded in the daytime... it's very flat now. PC doesn't look much better either. Overall it's a decent looking game, but I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else and say that it does indeed look considerably downgraded.
They could have made the game look considerably better if they just added some depth/contrast to the image in the daytime. A little more color wouldn't hurt either. Judging by the nighttime footage, IQ isn't terribly bad, but all of the details are washed out by the overblown whites/overexposed picture. The lighting does look considerably downgraded in the daytime... it's very flat now. PC doesn't look much better either. Overall it's a decent looking game, but I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else and say that it does indeed look considerably downgraded.

Night lights are Quake 2 level, seriously, no volume,no area lighted, nothing.And dof,bokeh like effects are gone also.Where are the Global ilumination and the contact shadows?.Everything looks flat.Where are the materials shaders and the npcs self shadowing?.
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Night lights are Quake 2 level, seriously, no volume,no area lighted, nothing.And dof,bokeh like effects are gone also.

What's the point of burning up all your processing power on car physics, dynamic time of day and wave simulation if your graphics and lighting look worse than a last gen game (i.e. GTA5)?

Gosh, it sucks royally that this game looks so bad after showing us what it could have been.
What's the point of burning up all your processing power on car physics, dynamic time of day and wave simulation if your graphics and lighting look worse than a last gen game (i.e. GTA5)?

Gosh, it sucks royally that this game looks so bad after showing us what it could have been.

Worse than GTA IV,that at least had GI.Saints Row level i would say...
I'm starting to think that someone at Ubi fcuked up and submitted the wrong build for finl certification.

If so I would hope they can release a day one patch that essentially... adds the graphics back in :-S
Would you guys be excited about this game if they somehow massively improved the graphics? Just curious. Compared to GTA or Saints Row, it doesn't look like a lot of fun to play. Those other games offer much better takes on the same idea, as far as I can tell.
Well I must admit I certainly do. I didn't pay £350 for a PS4 to play games with the exacpt same gameplay as the last version and graphics worse than many last gen games.

Gameplay over graphics by a landslide. If the game looked like a ton of fun, I wouldn't care about the graphics at all. They look pretty bland, but they get the job done. The problem is, it doesn't look very interesting to play.
Gameplay over graphics by a landslide. If the game looked like a ton of fun, I wouldn't care about the graphics at all. They look pretty bland, but they get the job done. The problem is, it doesn't look very interesting to play.

I don't think you're understanding the position of most who are expressing their dissappointment in this game based on the graphics.

For folks here like me, I've been interested in the gameplay from the first announcement. It just sounds like a typcal open world action game gameplay, with TPS and cover mechanics and a mission-based structure. In concept I fail to see how GTA is in anyway significantly different to this game.

This one adds the hacking mechanics, which in concept sounded awesome when first announced, but as of now seem to amount to not much more than "point at object in gameworld and press X to interect". It's not revolutionary, but it adds that little bit more interactivity in terms of game mechanics than others in the genre. So I'm perfectly fine with that. As long as the driving and shooting mechanics are solid it's fine by me.

So, I've focussed on the graphics because that seems like the only part of what they've shown that is dissappointing to me. I'm afraid I don't share you sentiment regarding the gameplay, as I can't see how one could consider this boring and GTA not, since the mechanics are, outside of the hacking element, for the most part fundamentally the same.

I don't see it as an issue of graphics over gameplay because the gameplay is a known quantity that we've all beenfamiliar with from the beginning. It's the graphics that I've been eager to get a closer look at, and now that we have, they're pretty offputting.
Game looks fun, has alot of content. Dissapoointed about the graphics yeah, but it looks liek there is alot to like about the game.
PC night screenshots.As bad as day time lighting(i thought night rainy weather at least would look ok):
Man this is so laughable, at best Watch Dogs looks like Sleeping Dogs (see what I did there), at worst it looks worse than GTA5, this is pathetic.

Night lights are Quake 2 level, seriously, no volume,no area lighted, nothing.And dof,bokeh like effects are gone also.Where are the Global illumination and the contact shadows?.Everything looks flat.Where are the materials shaders and the npcs self shadowing?.
There is NONE of it here, the bastards lied about it all. Materials look like crap and almost retain the same appearance under vastly different lighting conditions, they also appear overly bright during daylight and some dark places, which puts the whole "we are using Physical Based Lighting" crap into question.
The game looks bad and the people responsible for the graphics should feel bad.

If this had been released last year, I'd be saying the PC version was suffering from a bad case of consolitis. It's mid-2014 though, and the new-gens are capable of much more than this. It's still a case of consolitis, but a new variant of the virus called old-genus consolitis.

I'm still looking forward for the game for its gameplay, story and theme based around current-day issues (which owes nothing to GTA's anti-hero-doing-stupid-stuff-around-the-city recurrent theme IMO). But it doesn't look like I'll be paying full price for this.

And they wanted a $300 CPU to run this at max settings?
I'm glad I didn't pre-order the game. Thank goodness I learned my lesson with Colonial Marines.
But I still don't get the "why" of it ! Why the bad gfx ? Why? for a title that was supposed to usher in Next gen, even the PC version with the theoretical unlocked hardware power looks freaking laughable !


Gamespot playing WD on ps4..
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Man this is so laughable, at best Watch Dogs looks like Sleeping Dogs (see what I did there)

I beg your pardon?


