Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Your complaints were based on the assumption that the developers promised some things. I provided evidence that either they delivered (as in the case of GI) or you misinterpreted their statements (as is the case regarding reflections).
Nope, my complaints are based on the downgrade from the original 2012-2013 footage, AND the promised features, if you choose to concentrate on one particular aspect, then by all means, but don't try to justify this farce by pretending to provide excuses masquerading as evidence.

Unless you're going to provide well-thought counter arguments or evidence against my refutations, this particular line of discussion is over.
Don't worry, if all the screaming signs of downgrade didn't convince you yet, it won't be long before me and many others pick apart this game to reveal it in all of it's ugly glory.

where you've claimed to be able to discern PBR by visual analysis and ,
You will be sad to discover that I am not the only who can discern PBR games merely through lighting conditions, maybe if you started reading a little bit about the subject you will know how.

where you've repeatedly claimed certain technologies were present in certain games and been corrected many times
Yeah when I am unsure of what I am discussing I ASK for correction.
Clearly a technical discussion of the technologies present in the game is beyond you.
Actually I am not the one who brought marketing into it, you are.
I'll stick you on ignore.
Get in line.
You know I'm right. It's perfectly fine to find faults in this game (there are many) but that's very different from engaging in the "GTA5 looks better" hyperbole.

No, you are not.

Please read again...

The problem is really the perception: you did something wrong as a dev (made wrong decisions and put wrong emphasize) when people don't see the 'next gen' in your product. Why bother for a supposed to be 10 times more powerful hardware if the game does not manage to clearly punch above a last gen title (GTA5 in this case, although I don't agree because GTA5 is just downright ugly with hefty aliasing issues at daytime).

It is a problem for the devs when people start wondering about an upgrade in graphics from last gen to this gen...the dev got asked by someone over twitter and his answer was 'dynamism'...not optimal answer in my opinion.

But your are on your crusade and then you just re-iterate (and in each iteration introduce some little statements like I: SS):

I'm not the one who starts the comparisons to Infamous or last gen games. And as I said before, it's perfectly fine to find faults in this game (there are many) but that's very different from engaging in the "GTA5 looks better" hyperbole.

Re-iterating things don't make them true.

You have a personal agenda against me, that is all to it...but this is fine, I love archenemies: this makes you my second one (the first one is the little neighbours boy who beat me once in HALO Reach MP, Cod MP in one hour and laughs because I hit a difficulty wall in Trials Fusion)...let's meet in an epic battle at an exploding volcano, but be aware that I have equipped the 'legendary shorts of albuquerque' (fire resistance +10, attractiveness -100) and even if you win this battle, I freaking played all of the God of War titles (yeah, a Sony exclusive :oops:, stop crying...) and I know now the freaking way back from get my revenge :p
I'm not the one who starts the comparisons to Infamous or last gen games. And as I said before, it's perfectly fine to find faults in this game (there are many) but that's very different from engaging in the "GTA5 looks better" hyperbole.
:???: GT5 is cross-platform. People are comparing a cross-platform game to a cross-platform game (and similarly styled exclusives, because they only have a limited range of games to compare to at the moment). Where does the console wars fit into it?

AFAICS the major complaint is the flatness and simplicity of the lighting which looks like GTA5, regardless of what the engine is or isn't doing underneath. Compare the high quality facials seen when you type "Watch dogs" into Google image search with this image:

...with no shadowing from the clothing, and compare that to a GTA5 screenshot like this:

The comparisons aren't hyperbolic based on the material being 'leaked'. The reasons can be discussed, but it's daft to claim there's no similarity when clearly the daytime shots are visually similar (the most obvious technical shortcoming being a lack of clear, convincing secondary illumination in either game). The daytime shots in Watch Dogs as shown do like GTA5's visuals.
So far Ubi has announced 5 different collectors editions along with other editions.
absolutely ridiculous, collector editions should be reserved for revered franchises only
now they release them for games that arnt even out yet who knows weather it will be highly regarded at all ?
The Gaming industry has no shame, it's greed no limit.
When a publisher has to release a spreadsheet so customers can work out what version to buy you know there is something rotten in the state of Denmark...

From my calculation you need for the full game.
The Season Pass
Deadsec Edition
Vigilante Edition
A CE spreadsheet doesn't surprise me really. Save for the creative ouput of the Montpelliers studios, the company's games feel more and more like playable Excel sheets with every new mega franchise entry too.
So yet another cross-platform title requiring massive CPUs, the first being Wolfenstein. I was really hoping this wasn't going to start being a trend. I really didn't think I would have to go higher than my 4.4Ghz i5-3570k for games that are coded for a 6 core jaguar.

So until DX12/Mantle become the norm for the PC version, it's the PC's that will be getting the shaft this time?
So yet another cross-platform title requiring massive CPUs, the first being Wolfenstein. I was really hoping this wasn't going to start being a trend. I really didn't think I would have to go higher than my 4.4Ghz i5-3570k for games that are coded for a 6 core jaguar.

So until DX12/Mantle become the norm for the PC version, it's the PC's that will be getting the shaft this time?

Dat "Wintel" cartel gotta keep pushing PC CPU sales, especially now that AMD is a non-entity in the performance CPU space.

I was considering getting this game on PC to test my new i5 4670K (R9 280x) rig. But now I'm buying on PS4 because I don't wanna start feeling depressed that I can't get a reasonable framerate on the game after spending in excess of £1300 on my new build :devilish:
A CE spreadsheet doesn't surprise me really. Save for the creative ouput of the Montpelliers studios, the company's games feel more and more like playable Excel sheets with every new mega franchise entry too.

This genuainely made me spit out my coffee :) Thanks for the laugh.

Although, I must admit that pirating about on the high seas in AC:BF at the moment, is surprisingly fun, despite the spreadsheet checklist open world game design.
So the only way to get absolutely everything from the game is to buy the Vigilante Edition, then the DedSec Edition and then the Season Pass?

Seems legit...
Nope, my complaints are based on the downgrade from the original 2012-2013 footage, AND the promised features, if you choose to concentrate on one particular aspect, then by all means, but don't try to justify this farce by pretending to provide excuses masquerading as evidence.
Now your moving the goalpost. Nobody denies the downgrade from 2012 to 2013. What you complained about was a list of specific features mentioned in articles and interviews. I took that list and showed you that either Ubisoft delivered on those features or that your interpretation of them is flawed. Your response so far has only been denial.

No, you are not.

Please read again...

It is a problem for the devs when people start wondering about an upgrade in graphics from last gen to this gen...the dev got asked by someone over twitter and his answer was 'dynamism'...not optimal answer in my opinion.
It is a perfectly appropriate response since physical simulations require a hefty amount of the finite computation power in these machines. Claiming it's barely above the level of GTA5 is nothing but hyperbole.

As for your persecution complex, if the shoe fits...

:???: GT5 is cross-platform. People are comparing a cross-platform game to a cross-platform game (and similarly styled exclusives, because they only have a limited range of games to compare to at the moment). Where does the console wars fit into it?
Since when is GTA5 a cross-platform game? The comparison to GTA5 and the console war statement are separate things. I explained how that works in previous posts.

AFAICS the major complaint is the flatness and simplicity of the lighting which looks like GTA5, regardless of what the engine is or isn't doing underneath. Compare the high quality facials seen when you type "Watch dogs" into Google image search with this image:

...with no shadowing from the clothing, and compare that to a GTA5 screenshot like this:

Let's compare a character under direct lighting to a character under ambient lighting and then call it flat :rolleyes:

The big problem with W_D lighting isn't simplicity, it's the overexposure and lack of indirect specular lighting.

The comparisons aren't hyperbolic based on the material being 'leaked'. The reasons can be discussed, but it's daft to claim there's no similarity when clearly the daytime shots are visually similar (the most obvious technical shortcoming being a lack of clear, convincing secondary illumination in either game). The daytime shots in Watch Dogs as shown do like GTA5's visuals.
Of course there's similarity in how they look during daytime. Both are games centered in urban areas shooting for a photorealistic style. But there's a big difference between aesthetical similarities and technological qualities. Don't confuse the two.
So yet another cross-platform title requiring massive CPUs, the first being Wolfenstein. I was really hoping this wasn't going to start being a trend. I really didn't think I would have to go higher than my 4.4Ghz i5-3570k for games that are coded for a 6 core jaguar.
Wolfenstein runs very well on i5(even on i3), I expect Watch_Dogs to do the same, regardless of how the developer choose to inflate hardware requirements.
Dat "Wintel" cartel gotta keep pushing PC CPU sales, especially now that AMD is a non-entity in the performance CPU space.

I was considering getting this game on PC to test my new i5 4670K (R9 280x) rig. But now I'm buying on PS4 because I don't wanna start feeling depressed that I can't get a reasonable framerate on the game after spending in excess of £1300 on my new build :devilish:

We've already had informal confirmation from the developers that that system should be pretty much capable of running the game at Ultra settings - which are presumably higher than what the PS4 offers. So there'd be little sense in getting the PS4 version with that system unless you specifically want worse graphics/performance.
The complexity of the editions is not so surprising and not unprecedented. You have download vs. physical copy and retailers wanting incentives to bring people to their store. Not sure why there are regional differences but whatever.
So the only way to get absolutely everything from the game is to buy the Vigilante Edition, then the DedSec Edition and then the Season Pass?

Seems legit...

No to get the full game you only need the game and seasons pass. All the other stuff is the usual cash in fan bullshit like t shirts etc. Not actual game content.
Since when is GTA5 a cross-platform game?
It's on PS3 and XB360.

Let's compare a character under direct lighting to a character under ambient lighting and then call it flat :rolleyes:
Please don't treat me like an amateur. I went looking for a better comparison but couldn't find one - I'm limited to what I can uncover on the interwebs in the time I spend looking as I don't have the game and capture card. However, that's besides the point. The lighting in that WD shot is flat in that it lacks shadowing. At best, GTA5 also lacks shadowing. As the argument isn't that GTA5 looks better as much as WD doesn't look any better than GTA5, and WD clearly isn't building on GTA5's lighting model going by that shot, the argument is valid. WD is not rendering an NPC in a way any more advanced than GTA5 was.

The big problem with W_D lighting isn't simplicity, it's the overexposure and lack of indirect specular lighting.
There are no shadows on that character! Not from the peak hat, nor chin, nor collar, nor cuffs. Here's another one. Here's a better character shot where the character is shadowed, but the wall has no 'ambient occlusion', breaking composition.

There may be technical reasons for this. It may be solved in final release for all we know. But the flatness and simplicity of the lighting model is obvious to pretty much everyone in this thread protesting about the downgrade.

Of course there's similarity in how they look during daytime. Both are games centered in urban areas shooting for a photorealistic style.
Not in aesthetic but final on-screen appearance. One wouldn't say I:SS looks the same as GTA5 because it's clearly using techniques not available on PS360 for rendering a city (I would quote an XB1 game too if there was one with a similar setting).