Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Come on this is going way too far. You forgot what a PS2 game actually looks like.
Yeah sorry I was being facetious but looking at that FAP FAP FAP shot its like WTH ok its got AO but the lighting looks terrible when you compare it to other open world games
From what I can tell the PS3/last gen version looks really bad. Is it just me?

PS3 footage

Maybe the current gen versions will seem better by comparison.

Wow. Wow that someone would Intentionally add that damn filter (@0:03 mark) into the video. And such a poor job (editing) of doing it…

Edit: Nevermind... its an added effect of the mini game. :oops:
What you complained about was a list of specific features mentioned in articles and interviews. I took that list and showed you that either Ubisoft delivered on those features or that your interpretation of them is flawed.
I am willing to give them a pass on the reflection side of things, but when it comes to dynamic shadows and global illumination, there is no room for misinterpretation or deliverance, This game DOES NOT have either of them, and the one screen shot where you claim there is GI (which I don't see by the way), is not enough, since all of footage released so far have neither.
Please don't treat me like an amateur. I went looking for a better comparison but couldn't find one - I'm limited to what I can uncover on the interwebs in the time I spend looking as I don't have the game and capture card. However, that's besides the point. The lighting in that WD shot is flat in that it lacks shadowing. At best, GTA5 also lacks shadowing. As the argument isn't that GTA5 looks better as much as WD doesn't look any better than GTA5, and WD clearly isn't building on GTA5's lighting model going by that shot, the argument is valid. WD is not rendering an NPC in a way any more advanced than GTA5 was.
"I know the comparison is invalid but I'm totally gonna pretend it isn't" :rolleyes:

That last sentence. If it's not sarcasm then no, I'm not going to treat you as an amateur but as a troll.

There are no shadows on that character! Not from the peak hat, nor chin, nor collar, nor cuffs. Here's another one. Here's a better character shot where the character is shadowed, but the wall has no 'ambient occlusion', breaking composition.

There may be technical reasons for this. It may be solved in final release for all we know. But the flatness and simplicity of the lighting model is obvious to pretty much everyone in this thread protesting about the downgrade.
First shot, the character is lit by indirect lighting only. Of course there's no self-shadowing.

Second shot, there's some AO in there but it's subtle. Not every AO implementation has to result in absolute blackness.

Not in aesthetic but final on-screen appearance. One wouldn't say I:SS looks the same as GTA5 because it's clearly using techniques not available on PS360 for rendering a city (I would quote an XB1 game too if there was one with a similar setting).
Most techniques used in I:SS have been already used on PS3 and 360 in one game or another. But it's an exclusive game so people won't pick on it.
I'm on your side defending Watch Dogs. I think it looks great all things considered.

But come on with the 'exclusive' pass. I:SS is clearly the more consistent/visually appealing game and it runs at a higher resolution. Sure it's not perfect, but it has less to pick on. I think some of the criticism of WD is justified, but I agree that some people are taking it far.
I'm on your side defending Watch Dogs. I think it looks great all things considered.

But come on with the 'exclusive' pass. I:SS is clearly the more consistent/visually appealing game and it runs at a higher resolution. Sure it's not perfect, but it has less to pick on. I think some of the criticism of WD is justified, but I agree that some people are taking it far.

My point wasn't that I:SS doesn't look great, just that some people will ignore it's flaws, exaggerate its merits, and then do the exact opposite in regards of multiplatform games.
Infamous simply scores on IQ alone. then u add everything else, including the stellar HDR and ambient lighting. When u get down on street and run around, the game is sheer beauty. Also, the fact that Delsin is super detailed scores a big one on ur impression while playing the game.

Lets see how WD compares graphically, on 27th when we can see it without compression, but the IQ is blurry and jaggy, with low res shadow maps clearly visible, and low quality smoke and fire fx, last gen like shaders. Can't really judge much from these leaked videos.
If Infamous has defects, it really makes sure you don't see them. Even when sprinting infinitely over buildings, the pop up is well controlled and is visible only once a while. Can't say the same for WD where I could spot Vehicles popping into view on roads.

I am just hoping the game hooks me like FC3 and Infamous. Looking forward to capturing CTOS towers and jumping around in the mecha spider :) ! Hope the missions are genuinely fresh and innovative. Everything depends on how easily and creatively the game lets u use hacks.
Infamous simply scores on IQ alone. then u add everything else, including the stellar HDR and ambient lighting. When u get down on street and run around, the game is sheer beauty. Also, the fact that Delsin is super detailed scores a big one on ur impression while playing the game.

Lets see how WD compares graphically, on 27th when we can see it without compression, but the IQ is blurry and jaggy, with low res shadow maps clearly visible, and low quality smoke and fire fx, last gen like shaders. Can't really judge much from these leaked videos.
If Infamous has defects, it really makes sure you don't see them. Even when sprinting infinitely over buildings, the pop up is well controlled and is visible only once a while. Can't say the same for WD where I could spot Vehicles popping into view on roads.

I am just hoping the game hooks me like FC3 and Infamous. Looking forward to capturing CTOS towers and jumping around in the mecha spider :) ! Hope the missions are genuinely fresh and innovative. Everything depends on how easily and creatively the game lets u use hacks.

I agree with you! Apart day/night cycle, wind simulation and water WD is inferior to Second son in many ways!
My point wasn't that I:SS doesn't look great, just that some people will ignore it's flaws, exaggerate its merits, and then do the exact opposite in regards of multiplatform games.

I:SS is gorgeous but not perfect... No day/light cycle, very simplistic water rendering, out of the main lightsource no shadow casting, sometimes reflection are not there for dynamic object ( very visible for Delsin) and some very visible pop in sometimes.

But it is much better than Watchdogs...

I have a PS4 and I:SS and KZ SF. I have seen with my own eyes BF4, NBA 2k14 and Ryse!

I find the 3 most beautiful games are exclusives I:SS, KZ SF and Ryse! BF4 and NBA2K14 are very beautiful games too and much better than Watchdogs... And I compare Apples to Orange (Open world against more closed games...)

But it will be like this until the end of cross gen games on PS4 end Xbox One..
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Another XB360 walkthrough. Not too bad for a previous-gen game.

I:SS is gorgeous but not perfect... No day/light cycle, very simplistic water rendering, out of the main lightsource no shadow casting, sometimes reflection are not there for dynamic object ( very visible for Delsin) and some very visible pop in sometimes.

But it is much better than Watchdogs...

I have a PS4 and I:SS and KZ SF. I have seen with my own eyes BF4, NBA 2k14 and Ryse!

I find the 3 most beautiful games are exclusives I:SS, KZ SF and Ryse! BF4 and NBA2K14 are very beautiful games too and much better than Watchdogs... And I compare Apples to Orange (Open world against more closed games...)

But it will be like this until the end of cross gen games on PS4 end Xbox One..

I never claimed that W_D was the best, just that for a lot of people, if it's not the best it's automatically crap.
I:SS is gorgeous but not perfect... No day/light cycle, very simplistic water rendering, out of the main lightsource no shadow casting, sometimes reflection are not there for dynamic object ( very visible for Delsin) and some very visible pop in sometimes.

But it is much better than Watchdogs...

I have a PS4 and I:SS and KZ SF. I have seen with my own eyes BF4, NBA 2k14 and Ryse!

I find the 3 most beautiful games are exclusives I:SS, KZ SF and Ryse! BF4 and NBA2K14 are very beautiful games too and much better than Watchdogs... And I compare Apples to Orange (Open world against more closed games...)

But it will be like this until the end of cross gen games on PS4 end Xbox One..

So you've already played Watch Dogs? What are your gameplay impressions?