Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Yes, very surprising. ~8 hours after the first guys noticed it, the "1080p60fps" is still there online and still no denying from Ubi.

I am intrigued, a Tomb raider DE fluctuating 60fps with maybe +50fps average? Why not?

But I still doubt it's true. Probably a "marketing" mistake, I mean, it did work, right?

Honestly, both PS4/XB1 performance deltas (current, and future wise) will change as time progresses (SDK updates). So, 60fps doesn't seem unreasonable with the PS4 hardware. A consistent (or, close enough) 60fps experience should be the debatable question. If PS4 Watch Dog is able to maintain 60fps - 90% of the time - IMHO, that's a fair statement to make.

But then again, I'm purchasing the PC edition... :p
its most definitely not 60fps, when has an open world game on console ever operated at that? It might be unlocked, but i doubt that too
its most definitely not 60fps, when has an open world game on console ever operated at that? It might be unlocked, but i doubt that too
Infamous does, if you, you know... spend all your time looking at the sky.

Yeah, I think this is a misunderstanding on the part of someone in the marketing department, and I'm sure it'll go away once someone at Ubi sees it.
its most definitely not 60fps, when has an open world game on console ever operated at that? It might be unlocked, but i doubt that too

Its likely sliding from 40-60fps (60fps indoors/tunnels/harbor dock etc). But why are you comparing last gen console open world games to this gen.
We've only had 2.5 open world games in Infamous (better visuals), semi openworld Metal Gear Ground Zeroes (60fps) (system demands might be similar to other open world games) and Assassin's Creed.

Assassins creed was absolutely locked at 30fps at all times on the ps4. So it definitely had headroom.
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metal gear was a last gen port with higher textures and screen resolution. not even remotely comparable to a game with things actually going on, especially considering the actual size of GZ, its not anywhere near as populated or big as games usually are, the reason being that konami simply felt like ripping people off that day.

As i say, its about what devs want to pursue, and as ubisoft said, "30fps is the gold standard for open world games". And so that's what they intend to pursue. There's literally no reason to believe that any open world games this gen will be 60fps, or even go close to it.
As i say, its about what devs want to pursue, and as ubisoft said, "30fps is the gold standard for open world games". And so that's what they intend to pursue. There's literally no reason to believe that any open world games this gen will be 60fps, or even go close to it.

I believe this is not a typo. It would make sense for Sony to mention 1080p within the description, but not so much 30fps. Mentioning 60fps on top of 1080p, makes a bigger impact.

So the question(s) becomes:
1. Was UBI always being coy about PS4 Watch Dog performance?
2. Did UBI recently receive any updated PS4 SDK tools/wares?
3. Somewhere in-between 1 and 2?

I don't find this impossible ...PS4 is more than capable of achieving this. The console is only 7 months old...
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and it still has its limitations. The fact of the matter is that performance increases with fixed architecture come from using with ever more efficiently what you already have to begin with. PS4 is a big upgrade from the PS3, there's no doubt. But that doesn't mean it can perform miracles. At best your looking at an unlocked framerate, and that's only if they have enough headroom where they think they can maintain a solid 30fps target by default
and it still has its limitations. The fact of the matter is that performance increases with fixed architecture come from using with ever more efficiently what you already have to begin with. PS4 is a big upgrade from the PS3, there's no doubt. But that doesn't mean it can perform miracles. At best your looking at an unlocked framerate, and that's only if they have enough headroom where they think they can maintain a solid 30fps target by default

All hardware has limitations ...including the almighty PC. A poorly coded game can also bring down the mightiest of hardware. Anyhow, my opinion is this: "If PS4 Watchdog can sustained 60fps 90% of the time, then for the most part its a 60fps game".

Truth be told, 30fps is good for me ...anything beyond that, is icing on the cake.
metal gear was a last gen port with higher textures and screen resolution. not even remotely comparable to a game with things actually going on, especially considering the actual size of GZ, its not anywhere near as populated or big as games usually are, the reason being that konami simply felt like ripping people off that day.

As i say, its about what devs want to pursue, and as ubisoft said, "30fps is the gold standard for open world games". And so that's what they intend to pursue. There's literally no reason to believe that any open world games this gen will be 60fps, or even go close to it.

I'm afraid you'll be eating your own words, especially the "not even come close to it". Already launch titles easily can push beyond 30fps, and for the entire generation you dont know what level of graphic fidelity every open world title will be targeting.

A major bottleneck on open world game performance is likely the cpu with its weak jaguar cores, which can be holding back the gpu, both companies are pursuing ways to improving api efficiency (eg dx12), and as we've seen from various gamingnews sites a few weeks ago even Sony was/is looking to hire additional talent to work on improving pssl.
i'm not going to sit here and argue in a circle. I'm just saying, don't expect 60fps from watch dogs. Its not going to happen unless its on the pc
i'm not going to sit here and argue in a circle. I'm just saying, don't expect 60fps from watch dogs. Its not going to happen unless its on the pc
It's been up for almost a day and nobody is refuting it. More important it's been discussed to death on GAF where a lot of devs and PR hang out. If this was an error it would surely have been brought to the attention of the right people by now. And fixed. If an error.

But why 60fps now? Perhaps, along with the user-facing features, Sony rolled out a bunch of performance improvements for developers in firmware 1.60.
i'm not going to sit here and argue in a circle. I'm just saying, don't expect 60fps from watch dogs. Its not going to happen unless its on the pc

No one is arguing with you.... members are just offering a different perspective (opinion) on the subject. No one is saying PS4 Watch Dog will be a perfect 60fps, it's going to have frame dips like most games. But the notion that "30fps" is set in stone for all future open-world (sandbox) games on the PS4, is nonsense.
I'd rather they used the extra power to achieve E3 2012 visuals, 60fps in an open world game is seriously wasted to me since I spend most of the time just exploring around and staring at things, not doing knee jerk reactions. But honestly I think it's gonna be 30fps locked anyway due to ubi's coyness to confirm all this.
If Ubisoft sell 15m copies, does the split between PlayStation and Xbox matter?

That's the "BIG IF" and what the developer considers a success. Especially when recouping cost (developing, advertising, etc...).

If one side is lopsided, I would think that developers/publishers wouldn't be too pleased with the overall sales. If "system A" owners purchased 2 million copies, while "system B" owners purchased 300k copies ...because reviews pointed out that "system B" version was less than (resolution/performance) compared to others, and in many ways this does effect overall sales.

Take this for example; if Metal Gear Ground Zero was equal (resolution/framerate) across PS4/XB1, then sales would have been dramatically better on XB1. Or if the XB1 version was the "definitive one", most likely PS4 sales would have suffered.

As of now, from what I hear pre-orders for PS4 Watch Dogs are doing 3x as many as the XB1 version. Would the situation be reversed if all indicators pointed at the XB1 as being the definitive one? Look at how well XB360 performed with game attached ratio ...where most 3rd part games looked/performed better than PS3.

But don't get me wrong, this isn't the golden rule ...more established IPs can do well across all platforms regardless of IQ/resolution/performance differences. In Watch Dogs case, having PS3/XB360/PC version available should offset any lopsided effects between PS4/XB1 (if this scenario plays out like MGGZ and a few other titles).
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I don't see why the publisher/developer should care if they sell a total of 15M copies as 10M ps4 vs 5M x1 or the opposite or a different split. A sale is a sale.