Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

It may influence their focus on one platform over another for future titles.
2 million vs. 300k is a difference of almost 7:1. I'm not aware of any example of such from any X360 / PS3 titles from last gen, and there were plenty of cases with similar differences in resolution - and of content quality on top of that. Many PS3 titles had lower res textures here and there, whereas X1 and PS4 assets are pretty much the same so far.

Sales ratios are more likely to be dictated by system sales ratios instead.
I find it extremely weird that Sony would be allowed to come out and announce a 3rd party title's framerate. Why would this not come from Ubi? Why would it be announced so quietly and so close to release? If Ubi isnt denying it there is a possibility of it being true. It could be a similar situation to what happened with Tomb Raider DE where they leave the framerate unlocked and hit 60fps sometimes. This is different though because there arent 2 different teams working on each version. From alot of the interviews I have read from console devs you usually aim for 60 fps at the begining of a titles development. It is all just a little strange. If Ubi does have this game running at 1080p and a steady 60fps on the Ps4 then more power to them. It would be great.
Didn't the do the same thing with COD ghosts. I remember (and I might be wrong) months of speculation. Then Adam Boyse taking the stage and saying 1080p 60fps before Activision or Infinity ward saying anything
Someone wanted answers. lol

Didn't the do the same thing with COD ghosts. I remember (and I might be wrong) months of speculation. Then Adam Boyse taking the stage and saying 1080p 60fps before Activision or Infinity ward saying anything

Activision's spokesman at E3 did state that Ghosts would run at 1080p 60fps on nextgen consoles. Then about a month or so before launch IW tweeted it was 720p 60 on the Xbox One. This situation is almost the opposite of that one.
That was posted to Reddit early yesterday. But if this database is wrong that would explain an erroneous webpage and the CS reps statement. Hopefully this will be clarified today when everybody is back at work.

You would think this would have been clarified over the weekend. I'm pretty sure Sony/UBI developers and higher-ups have twitter accounts, gamer site accounts, email and so forth on clarifying this. But I have a feeling, clarification isn't going to come until the first reviews are out...
Also, I'm not a 100% sure, but some website (which I can't find for the life of me), compared some earlier PS4 WD footage (30fps), with recent footage - which showed an increase in framerate. If anyone can find it, please post the link. Better yet, can some compare earlier videos, with recent ones?
But I have a feeling, clarification isn't going to come until the first reviews are out...

If the 60fps thing is wrong they will clarify things before the game goes on sale otherwise they'd be in all sorts of false advertising pain.
If the 60fps thing is wrong they will clarify things before the game goes on sale otherwise they'd be in all sorts of false advertising pain.

True. But I find it weird they would advertise 30fps (if 60fps is a typo), when one would expect it to be. Announcing 1080p is understandable from a marketing/checkmark point of view, not so much 30fps. Get what I'm saying?

The "Hack everything as you make your way through Chicago’s underground as you experience Watch_Dogs in a way that only PS4 can provide, at 60 Frames Per Second in 1080p.” seems more planned/deliberate than a typical typo.

But yes, hopefully Sony/UBI will be more forthcoming in the coming days...
True. But I find it weird they would advertise 30fps (if 60fps is a typo), when one would expect it to be. Announcing 1080p is understandable from a marketing/checkmark point of view, not so much 30fps. Get what I'm saying?

The "Hack everything as you make your way through Chicago’s underground as you experience Watch_Dogs in a way that only PS4 can provide, at 60 Frames Per Second in 1080p.” seems more planned/deliberate than a typical typo.

But yes, hopefully Sony/UBI will be more forthcoming in the coming days...

I'm still sceptical, which trade-off did they make when going for 60 fps ? Render at e.g. 900+ at 60 fps, then upscale to 1080p ? I have hard time they are actually able to render the game at 1080p60 while delivering something visually between let's say GTA5 and Infamous SS.
True. But I find it weird they would advertise 30fps (if 60fps is a typo), when one would expect it to be. Announcing 1080p is understandable from a marketing/checkmark point of view, not so much 30fps. Get what I'm saying?

The "Hack everything as you make your way through Chicago’s underground as you experience Watch_Dogs in a way that only PS4 can provide, at 60 Frames Per Second in 1080p.” seems more planned/deliberate than a typical typo.

But yes, hopefully Sony/UBI will be more forthcoming in the coming days...

It has its logic. The same logic says than Ubi wouldn´t advertise PS4 being 60fps not to affect XB1 version sales. So Sony is who advertises it.
I think the 60fps part doesn't mean much (about the game's ability to really reach 60fps). Infamous SS uncapped is 60fps too...when you look at a wall.

I am in fact more surprised about the 1080p part. I remember clearly AC4 release when it was 1080p'atched on release day. So maybe in prevision on such a similar thing for WD they want to reassure/confirm PS4 owners the game will, whatever happens at launch, be eventually at full 1080p.

Of course it's also an easy marketing message: "PS4 WD version is the best console version..."
I think the 60fps part doesn't mean much (about the game's ability to really reach 60fps). Infamous SS uncapped is 60fps too...when you look at a wall.

I don't think Sony would ever market Infamous Second Son as being 60fps, even if that's the theoretical limit. Did PR even state it for Tomb Raider?

Personally, I was very happy with the frame rate of Tomb Raider, so if Watch Dogs is anything like that, it's a good thing in my mind.

Conspiracy here, but is it possible the PS4 got downgraded due to the development team retaining visual parity with Xbox One? Only now it'll have an unlocked fps and considering some games have had a near >100% resolution increase, near-double frame rate isn't so outlandish.

I'd guess the Xbox One version is also 1080p.
I don't think Sony would ever market Infamous Second Son as being 60fps, even if that's the theoretical limit. Did PR even state it for Tomb Raider?

Personally, I was very happy with the frame rate of Tomb Raider, so if Watch Dogs is anything like that, it's a good thing in my mind.

Conspiracy here, but is it possible the PS4 got downgraded due to the development team retaining visual parity with Xbox One? Only now it'll have an unlocked fps and considering some games have had a near >100% resolution increase, near-double frame rate isn't so outlandish.

I'd guess the Xbox One version is also 1080p.

Where is that WD video everyone thought was running on a PC (actually PS4 footage)? You know, the PS4 would melt video... :LOL:

I remember someone pointed out that the game framerate looks better than PS4, not knowing at the time it was PS4.