Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Yeah it is begining to look like it was a typo on the website or something.
Ive seen at least one so called gaming site calling Sony liars and accusing them of false advertising.
They claimed to have played the Ps4 version a week ago or so at a Ubi press event. They were told it was 30fps and they said it looked 30fps. I dont get why any site would start screaming false advertising and sony are liars. Companies and people make mistakes.
Also let's not forget that the number of people knowing, let alone caring what exactly is 1080p/60 amounts to geeks on forums such as this one - and believe it or not we are but a tiny fraction of the total number of gamers out there. Normal people - anyone who isn't us - don't really care and so in the grand scheme of things a typo on a website was just that, a typo. Which of course was over analysed with thousands and thousands of words on internet forums by a tiny minority. Just putting some perspective into this.
I don't read German but apparently it says that ubisoft confirmed to these guys that the game was 1080p 60fps

Ubisoft spricht vollmundig von 1080p bei 60 fps für die Playstation 4 und in der Tat zeigte das Spiel subjektiv kaum Bildrateneinbrüche. Anderseits wären 30 fps und eine höhere Rendering-Qualiät unserer Ansicht nach die bessere Option gewesen, möglicherweise hätte Ubisoft dann aber bei der Xbox One zu viele Abstriche machen müssen.

The preview mentions that Ubisoft told (probably during the preview event) that the game runs at 1080p and 60 frames per second, and the writer mentions that he (subjectively) noticed barely any frame rate drops while he played the game.
That said, this comes at a cost, as the build examined seems to have very weak ambient occlusion and visible aliasing. The weak ambient occlusion is especially noticeable at night, during which many objects seem to “float in the air” and several don’t cast shadows. According the preview, textures are also slightly blurry and lack Anistropic Filtering, which is something we already saw in other multiplatform games.
If the game is actually 60fps on PS4, I'd be interested to know whether people would prefer that over increased detail and 30fps.

I can't say I've ever played an open-world game that runs at a high frame rate, so have no real baseline to suggest it'd be better for me. I know that I would like to see developers differentiating the power differences in platforms with balanced resolution/fps and increased detail for whichever machine is capable of displaying more.

I'd love to see a game that has an absolute direct match on detail and resolution with an unlocked frame rate on both, so that we're able to measure the differences in performance.
If it truly is 60fps on PS4, then the purpose behind the massive IQ drop is revealed.


So it is 1080p/60fps. I knew that so called "typo" was deliberate. Too much emphasis was placed on 1080p/60fps in that Sony website description. Anyhow, judging by Graham post, there is a lot of missing textures or streaming issue. Wondering if UBI is playing around with settings (tinkering with the idea of allowing users to scale settings), or maybe UBI is playing the "downscale" card again. The next few weeks are going to be interesting...
If the game is actually 60fps on PS4, I'd be interested to know whether people would prefer that over increased detail and 30fps.

This, judging by the footage, is just a PS360 game with a next (current) gen band-aid. There's not any increased detail in play without a major overhaul...
Eurogamer and Digital Foundry articles are going to be very interesting ...VERY interesting. Popcorn waiting on microwave, sodas chilling.
If it truly is 60fps on PS4, then the purpose behind the massive IQ drop is revealed.

Which IQ detail specifically? Remember that the pic on the left looks illuminated from ahead so there's little light on things visible to the camera and the pic on the right looks illuminated from the right-but-slightly-behind the camera and is showing detail.

It looks like the game is more downgraded than I expected.
Based on which media?