Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

There is a fairly official gameplay video of Wolfenstein New Order that is only 360p. At least they didn't do that here.

Do you mean pixel counted to 360p? Or do you mean, the youtube selector only goes to 360p.

Most likely the latter. Not the same thing.
Sort of unclear wording (what's "full HD?"?) and I dont know I trust the "cinematics animation lead" to know the game's res, but anyway.

The longstanding rumor from thuway or some other dodgy sort was 1080P on PS4 and 960P on One.

Just FYI, in the UK at least, Full HD is the official name for 1080p. Whereas HD Ready would have been 720p or any of those strange resolution TVs that weren't 1080p but weren't even SD.:D
Ok so apparently the creative director also confirmed that this recent trailer is from a PS4 devkit, I have watched the specified youtube video, it's the same footage than the one from Gamersyde.

Jonathan Morin @Design_Cave

For everyone asking for the online video of #WatchDogs - Yes it was captured on a PS4 devkit (same pipeline as the others) cheers!
3:49 AM - 24 Apr 2014

If true it means they set the game down to 800p for parity reviews purpose and they'll patch the game at 1080P at launch.

Exactly like they did with AC4 on PS4 and what they did with the single player of COD ghosts on PS4. Reviewers won't see any big differences between versions, it's supposedly done to reduce negativity from the medias at release.

But IMO this strategy doesn't work, it didn't work either for AC4 or COD ghosts, did it?
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Ok so apparently the creative director also confirmed that this recent trailer is from a PS4 devkit, I have watched the specified youtube video, it's the same footage than the one from Gamersyde.

If true it means they set the game down to 800p for parity reviews purpose and they'll patch the game at 1080P at launch.

Exactly like they did with AC4 on PS4 and what they did with the single player of COD ghosts on PS4. Reviewers won't see any big differences between versions, it's supposedly done to reduce negativity from the medias at release.

But IMO this strategy doesn't work, it didn't work either for AC4 or COD ghosts, did it?

If true, this has nothing to do with parity with previous generation hardware. This is more specifically dealing with the latest generation console hardware. Pink elephant in the room, need not mention any console names.

What a ridiculous strategy, if true.

Ok so apparently the creative director also confirmed that this recent trailer is from a PS4 devkit, I have watched the specified youtube video, it's the same footage than the one from Gamersyde.

If true it means they set the game down to 800p for parity reviews purpose and they'll patch the game at 1080P at launch.

Exactly like they did with AC4 on PS4 and what they did with the single player of COD ghosts on PS4. Reviewers won't see any big differences between versions, it's supposedly done to reduce negativity from the medias at release.

But IMO this strategy doesn't work, it didn't work either for AC4 or COD ghosts, did it?

If anything that particular strategy caused more of a stink than not doing it would have. Now if I was a distrustful character I see the hand of marketing playing some reverse psychology tricks here... :devilish:
If anything that particular strategy caused more of a stink than not doing it would have. Now if I was a distrustful character I see the hand of marketing playing some reverse psychology tricks here... :devilish:

I thought the exact same thing. And since we all know I am always right, then this must be true. :yep2:
I'm hearing some vibes through real-life acquaintances that actual security consultants have been hired to make the hacking parts of this game more realistic. Take that as you will (hearsay).
I'm hearing some vibes through real-life acquaintances that actual security consultants have been hired to make the hacking parts of this game more realistic. Take that as you will (hearsay).

I heard the very same thing. But this came from some friends in UK Cyber Challenge Alumni so there may well be some truth in it. Or the whole thing has gone through the Chinese whisper machine.
The videos of the multiplayer gameplay on Gamersyde has definitely sparked my interest in that aspect. I was aiming to play it mostly offline but the online stuff looks fun! :)
BTW, the MP gameplay has got me excited ! Also , the fact that it has minigames like playing as a giant Spider in the city and Zombie games too ! Means its not just driving around.
Exactly like they did with AC4 on PS4 and what they did with the single player of COD ghosts on PS4. Reviewers won't see any big differences between versions, it's supposedly done to reduce negativity from the medias at release.

But IMO this strategy doesn't work, it didn't work either for AC4 or COD ghosts, did it?

Interesting, but post release res patches seem to be a new gen thing. They've been bandied about for both Titanfall and Trials Fusion, in circumstances that dont make any sense according to your theory (X1 getting the res-increasing patches).

I wonder if it could actually have beneficial effect. Nobody slagging the inferior version?

I do remember IGN talking how much better the PS4 version COD Ghosts looked due to it's higher res...turned out they were showing videos of the PS4 game in 720P pre-patch compared to X1 and saying it looked so much better than X1 due to 1080P... :LOL: Nobody called them out on this ridiculousness either. Placebo effect I guess. So it obviously didn't work then. I bet they pulled that youtube too, darn it.
Interesting, but post release res patches seem to be a new gen thing. They've been bandied about for both Titanfall and Trials Fusion, in circumstances that dont make any sense according to your theory (X1 getting the res-increasing patches).

I wonder if it could actually have beneficial effect. Nobody slagging the inferior version?


The (limited) increase of resolution of Trials and Tifanfall on XB1 was not for the same reason as the important increase seen in AC4 and COD on PS4.

I mean I hope nobody really thought COD devs found 125% more juice in the PS4 just in a few weeks.
I've seen the gameplay video from the Ubisoft's developer on YouTube. Yeah, this game looks awesome to play. But hopefully, we can do more than just completing quests or missions like GTA. Maybe we can literally go to the supermarket and buy food manually, and then pay them on the cashier by ourselves. So it will be like the real life, the actual life. That would be awesome!!
Maybe we can literally go to the supermarket and buy food manually, and then pay them on the cashier by ourselves. So it will be like the real life, the actual life. That would be awesome!!
I don't think replicating the most mundane of life's chores qualifies as "awesome" gameplay. If you want that, you should check out whatever version of a The Sims EA are selling. It sounds like it might be exactly what you're looking for.
Whats a Chinese Whisper Machine? It sounds dirty : )

A Chinese whisper is a message that has got completely garbled as it is passed from person to person because people forget content and add their own e.g. 'Send more troops' --> 'Blend four roots'

As opposed to spoonerisms like 'The dear old queen' becomes 'The queer old dean'!
I do remember IGN talking how much better the PS4 version COD Ghosts looked due to it's higher res...turned out they were showing videos of the PS4 game in 720P pre-patch compared to X1 and saying it looked so much better than X1 due to 1080P... :LOL: Nobody called them out on this ridiculousness either. Placebo effect I guess. So it obviously didn't work then. I bet they pulled that youtube too, darn it.

I thought they'd explained this that's why no one called them out? Apparently the code they'd seen running was at 1080p but the videos were produced from a pre-patch retail hence the lowly 720p.
A Chinese whisper is a message that has got completely garbled as it is passed from person to person because people forget content and add their own e.g. 'Send more troops' --> 'Blend four roots'

As opposed to spoonerisms like 'The dear old queen' becomes 'The queer old dean'!

I had never heard that term before. Thanks I've learned something new.