It's a matter of modeling style I guess. But characters are only a small part of the total texture budget. The majority and largest textures are environment textures which are mostly tiled, at least if you are not using mega texture/clip-maps.
If using all the space was a big issue it would be pretty easy to interleave many textures in one with one big 8bit palette that is changed instead of the texture (you'd have to have or write the appropriate software to do palette "animation"). That way you'd also be able to do arbitrary number colour (up to 256) textures "on top" of each other.
Of course there are advantages to more than 16 colours. I'm just saying that in many instances resolution is more important. In that regard CLUT is on par with S3TC. You'd be making the wrong choice as a PS2 dev if you always prioritized colour over resolution.
They both supported much larger textures than was ever used in a 3d game. 1024x1024 I think.
GS VRAM was chopped into 8Kb pages so it liked certain formats better than others. It was a minor issue though as long as the geometry and UV setup of the game wasn't thrashing the pagebuffer for fram and texture too much. Something that could happen if there were many polys with detailed textures slanted away from the camera. Think lack of inclination aware MIP mapping. This, as I understand it was never a great concern on wellwritten games.
Some devs seemed to think though, that this meant that you should never use more than 128x128 4bit or the like, with MIP maps on a different page.
I don't think DC supported CLUT actually. Simon would have to chime in to give us the final answer on that. It didn't have much use for it either with VQ.
CLUTs being VQ with one pixel instead of 2x2, it does seem like it would be quite easy to do though.
I'd be curious to see examples of PS2 games where the use of 16 colour textures is obvious. I think it was an otpion well utilised by developers when appropriate.
If you layer enough 16-color textures to be able to simulate high-color textures, you've lost whatever you were trying to gain by using palletized textures in the first place.16 colour textures could of course be layered in multipass rendering
Metal Gear Solid 3I'd be curious to see examples of PS2 games where the use of 16 colour textures is obvious. I think it was an otpion well utilised by developers when appropriate.
the addition of bumpmapping, and awesome lighting, not to mention better textures on average. It's art was really good. The overall polygon counts also seem quite a bit higher than what we see in MGS3 as well. What blows me away most now that I remember it, is the lack of slow down in RE4 GC.
The Star Wars Rogue Squadron games on the other hand, didn't.
Bland, barren environments with low poly rigid models moving around doing nothing much in particular. I had 2 or 3 - can't remember - and it looked poor. And the on-foot sections were laughably bad - horrible infact. But there'd always be some PR stuff about amazing lighting and 20 million polygons per second and wham, it's a Factor Five love in as a few un-animated boxes move around above some snow or dirt. Take away the Star Wars and Nintendo fan multipliers and THE EMPEROR IS NAKED GOD DAMN IT!!!
Perfect proof that you're lying your ass off. The brightness/contrast trick was how it was done in the PS2/PC versions, not on the Gamecube version:A lot of the lightings in RE4 are pre-baked - this was achieved by increasing the contrast/brightness on the texture. It's a trick. And no, I played the GC version
Bump-mapping in RE4? The only bump mapping that I notice in RE4 is Leon and Ashley belts and some of the barrels. Its poly count is also lesser when compare to MGS3 due to much smaller, linear, and lifeless environments and a complete lack of any vegetation and foliage.
Transformers for the PS2 is another excellent example of the PS2's capability - it has massive environment, insane poly count, highly detailed textures, awesome particle effect, and smooth frame rate.
You should've linked us direct from PS2 vids, not ones via an emulator on PC.
2D sprites at such a long distance as with Transformers
MGS3's environments are not that open anyways as they are like RE4's: small areas individually loaded in.
Perfect proof that you're lying your ass off.
I'm having a little trouble picturing what you mean, I'm probably missing something. Are you talking about encoding multiple overlapping texture layers to an 8-bit texture, so a certain portion of the range was for layer one (colour 0 - 55 for example), another for layer two (say colours 56 - 140), another for layer 3 etc?
Or are you talking about packing multiple textures on top of each other in a way where the texture is only "resolved" with the correct look up table (would you even be able to compress in that format without losing everything meaningful)?
Or are you talking about something else that's gone over my head? If you could walk me through all the steps I might be able to get it.
Not at all. As mentioned, with luminance compression you can get very good compression rates. Or you can use a few decals to fill in the missing colour in smaller splashes.If you layer enough 16-color textures to be able to simulate high-color textures, you've lost whatever you were trying to gain by using palletized textures in the first place.
You'd technically only need two to get 256 colours, but I'm thinking more a dull grey stone texture which is suitable for 16 colours, and a green or brown dirt texture which is suitable for 16 colours.[/quote]If you layer enough 16-color textures to be able to simulate high-color textures
Yeah, I can agree to that. At the time it was ordinary, but aspects of the game can be divided into 'this is a green object, that a brown one." But it's a reasonable compromise for the time in many cases. I'm not so hard on 16 colour CLUTs as some."There are those trademark 4-bit textures again." Once you know what to look for, you can't help but see it. I think function described it pretty well--you get sort of a monochrome look to the game.
All the trees in the background here : are no 2D sprites in TF for the PS2. All of the trees in TF are fully 3D.
So barren...
All the trees in the background here :
Identical clones of some 3 tree images, and you're saying they're not 2D sprites?!
Probably, although '3D trees' consists of a few 2D leaf sprites clustered around a simple trunk. But that's besides the point. PSman is utterly wrong in his assertion that no sprites are used for the trees. They quite obviosuly are. Anyone who fails to recognise that is hardly in a position to give relevant opinion on whether GC or PS2 was the more powerful system overall; a subject which would require the most in-depth and well-informed opinions from those who worked closely with both systems to even have a passing chance of making a valid comparison.They switch to 2D models when far away due to LOD though right?
This is a tough one. I don't know whether to salute you for being a master of irony, or be like all
It's almost too perfect...![]()
Mhhh...The Star Wars Rogue Squadron games on the other hand, didn't.
Bland, barren environments with low poly rigid models moving around doing nothing much in particular. I had 2 or 3 - can't remember - and it looked poor. And the on-foot sections were laughably bad - horrible infact. But there'd always be some PR stuff about amazing lighting and 20 million polygons per second and wham, it's a Factor Five love in as a few un-animated boxes move around above some snow or dirt. Take away the Star Wars and Nintendo fan multipliers and THE EMPEROR IS NAKED GOD DAMN IT!!!![]()
[Space / Moon level video]
[THE TREES video]
So barren...
Man, I got so sick of people posting pictures of the trees as the answer to any and every possible criticism of the game's visuals. Yeah, the game looks much better when you can't see anything because of trees.![]()
Barren and ugly environment ---> [Loading new level] ----> On the forest floor, draw distance of 5 trees.
All the trees in the background here :
Identical clones of some 3 tree images, and you're saying they're not 2D sprites?!
The point is, levels are far from barren. So what if they're rigid bodies? It's space shooter -_-'