Hi (and greetings to the forum) I think the GC was a bit more powerful but the ps2 had much more programmers and titles, and they squeezed out more performance from the system at the end. The GC had some genius coders at the beginning (like the guys at Factor5) who were very talented and pushed the hardware really hard right from the beginning, while the ps2 needed a little more time to catch up (at least as far as I remember). I had both systems right from day1 and the graphics of the ps2 launch titles did not impress me as much as how Rogue Squadron II did for example. Both system had graphically awesome games like Resident Evil, Star Wars, Metroid or Zelda (etc) on the GC, or like Gran Turismo, Shadow of Colossus, Metal Gear Solid or God of War (etc) on the PS2. (I loved those games:]) Systems need time and gifted programmers to "unlock" and develop, but again, if you only look at the the capabilities of the hardware, the GC was a bit more powerful in my opinion. I remember that the visual of some games like the 60fps Metroid Prime were simply shocking at the time Anyway (imo) it's never about the system, but the games. A good game remains good even if you would exchange the graphics to a s***y one