Warhawk discussion*

Tutorials for noobs are nice, but they need to fix gameplay so the pro's don't utterly trounce everyone else. At the moment it feels like soccer with no divisions, and you may find your team of Saturday players with a couple of mid-league B-team star players comes up against a team with half of them seasoned Internationals. There's no fun to be had being pinned in and unable to even pick up weapons to defend yourself with before a tank with 2 planes support is blasting you. There's also not much fun being on the winning team pinning the others in and blasting them with no chance of a fair fight.

Having said all that, when you don't care about rank and just want to enjoy the game, hosting your own unranked server can be good fun.
Tutorials for noobs are nice, but they need to fix gameplay so the pro's don't utterly trounce everyone else. At the moment it feels like soccer with no divisions, and you may find your team of Saturday players with a couple of mid-league B-team star players comes up against a team with half of them seasoned Internationals. There's no fun to be had being pinned in and unable to even pick up weapons to defend yourself with before a tank with 2 planes support is blasting you. There's also not much fun being on the winning team pinning the others in and blasting them with no chance of a fair fight.

Having said all that, when you don't care about rank and just want to enjoy the game, hosting your own unranked server can be good fun.

If you care about stats and ranks, playing CTF only is a good option. Because getting pounded in your home base is not as bad in ctf. You can get a RPG or man a 50cal. and keep blasting the enemy as they try to steal the flag. And if it gets boring try to sneak out and cap a base while the other team is busy pounding the noobs in your team...
Often many players of the inferior team have more points at the end.
Wonder if the new Greatest Hits pricing will bring in a wave of new players, give the game new life.

Actually they should be working on a sequel or some other project by now, no?

Ubisoft's upcoming game may draw some of the appeal of online aerial combat. It probably has a singleplayer mode too.
Thanks Arwin. I'll have a scout around the net to see if I can find any other sources on this (I'm sure they're there but B3D is the first place I've looked after switching my comp on).

No mention of a new map at that link though. I'd assumed it was a given.

That'd be in the next pack. This is a free patch.
Okay, after much scientific investigation, we've determined that the game is unfair/some people cheat. I have repeatedly been killed by single homing missiles in Warhawks, yet a homing missile only does 66% damage when I've shot them in every conceivable way. Likewise it takes 2 grenades to kill a plane, but I've been killed by a single grenade from full health.

It's as though some people are doing double damage. Without any explanation, the game is unfair and one's interest in playing against these people is unsurprisingly reduced.
I tried shooting from in front, behind, below, above, etc., with no variation in damage. I tried close range, far range, rushing them with added speed to the missile, firing against a moving plane, firing against a dodging plane, firing against a plane who has a missile armed in case the armed missile exploded when the plane was hit.

In game it's just a matter of sometimes a plane gets a lock, a single missile, and then you're dead, with the camera following the gloating murderer as they carry on their flight. A situation I have not been able to recreate in laboratory tests. :(

Don't have RFoM. Will likely get RFoM2 though if LBP doesn't consume my life completely. :D
I've often felt the same thing happen to me but thought I was being paranoid. Now Shifty, not that I'm questionning you... but were you testing under laboratory conditions?

Most online games get cheaters. I've just never seen much forum chatter about WH so, as I said, I assumed it was me being paranoid and making excuses for sucking.
I got to admit when they have you fenced in its pretty bad, but most of the time its due to your team not spreading out and base-sitting.
I was playing a local match with a dummy pilot on the second controller (dummy referring to no-one playing it, rather than my friend when he took over for the moving target tests!). Admittedly I ought to run the same tests on an online server just to make sure they haven't somehow changed the damage amount on different servers, but as that's not an option for players hosting a server, I can't see how it would be the case for the official servers.

I don't see how anyone could cheat, without the developers putting in a Double Damage hack somehow. The only plausible theory we could come up with was players getting a damage bonus for higher rank, but that would be really, really dumb! If you have adaptive damage, it ought to be a handicap to the best places to level the field.
I was playing a local match with a dummy pilot on the second controller (dummy referring to no-one playing it, rather than my friend when he took over for the moving target tests!). Admittedly I ought to run the same tests on an online server just to make sure they haven't somehow changed the damage amount on different servers, but as that's not an option for players hosting a server, I can't see how it would be the case for the official servers.

I don't see how anyone could cheat, without the developers putting in a Double Damage hack somehow. The only plausible theory we could come up with was players getting a damage bonus for higher rank, but that would be really, really dumb! If you have adaptive damage, it ought to be a handicap to the best places to level the field.

Well, I hate to say it... but maybe your perception is skewed a little? ;)

Like I said I often think "cheating scumbag" as a WH swoops through my debris. But, as you say... it can't be cheating...

I'm gonna do some research to see if there is a significant minority with similar experiences.
Well, I hate to say it... but maybe your perception is skewed a little? ;)
Definitely not. It's not just me, both friends I play with have independently made the same observation. I even mentioned it early into my Warhawk career, and it was suggested a missile head-on preceded with some gunfire might do the trick of appearing as a one shot kill, but there's no way you can get off 1/3rd of a plane's health with guns in a quarter of a second before your missile impacts.

It's certainly something we are experiencing in game and have lots of times, some folk having more firepower than others. I can't understand how though. :???:

I'll add another odd experience, but this one I haven't repeated. Playing the Destroyed Capital I was in a tank passing some debris. An enemy was hiding behind a low wall and I couldn't shell him. He hit me with four or five grenades in quick succession and I was dead. "Gosh," thinks me, "I didn't know grenades were that effective." And that's because they're not. A full complement of grenades is 6, which isn't enough to kill a tank. You need 7/8. And this was a fresh tank from just around the corner, while the place the guy was hiding behind wasn't a spawning point for grenades.

It's not everyone who seems to have this bonus damage. I just went online and was hit my a normal damage Homing Missile. I dunno what the differentiator is, or frequency. I might do some in-game reserach/stat gathering and the KDR be hanged!
Yeah, sorry Shifty - I was sort of pulling your leg. :)

Increased damage for certain players (whether they're noobs or psycho killers) makes no sense at all. That's the purpose of ranks... surely?

I'll be interested to see the results of your research!

Some important features, including flight training. Probably a feature added after the horse has bolted, but the lesson is learnt for future online titles - single player training is important!