Warhawk discussion*

I am unimpressed with the packs that have been released for this game. The latest jetpacks are just plain ridiculous IMO, turning the game into something more like Unreal Tournament, people hopping around all over the place. The feel of the game is fractured. The new maps are never as popular as the orignals, and the new vehicles don't see much use in the main. I think the Warhawk team needs to rethink what they're trying to do.
In my case I just ignore deepbrown's extensive collection as 'cheap and nasty' and laugh at patsu's empty cabinet!

What the... ^_^ (I lol'ed when I received your XMB message).

If there is a way to keep it empty, I will do so. I just need some more Chimerans to shoot.
I am unimpressed with the packs that have been released for this game. The latest jetpacks are just plain ridiculous IMO, turning the game into something more like Unreal Tournament, people hopping around all over the place. The feel of the game is fractured. The new maps are never as popular as the orignals, and the new vehicles don't see much use in the main. I think the Warhawk team needs to rethink what they're trying to do.

I have the other to addons but I don`t play them anymore. I have most fun in the original maps where I feel at home.
The jetpacks don`t look to exciting to me either...I heard you can easily shoot em down with the plane`s MG.
I am unimpressed with the packs that have been released for this game. The latest jetpacks are just plain ridiculous IMO, turning the game into something more like Unreal Tournament, people hopping around all over the place. The feel of the game is fractured. The new maps are never as popular as the orignals, and the new vehicles don't see much use in the main. I think the Warhawk team needs to rethink what they're trying to do.

You're off your head. Each pack changes up the gameplay to make it feel fresh. Can't think of a game that carrys on supporting the game like this. Usualy it's just new maps. Lame.
I don't know how any such unified value could be managed between different games though. In the XB360's case, it led to people buying games as easy achievements, and I expect that'll be the same on PS3 for Trophy Horders. For people who take them seriously it'll be annoying. In my case I just ignore deepbrown's extensive collection as 'cheap and nasty' and laugh at patsu's empty cabinet!

BTW : The new pack is available on PSN, £3.99 and weighing in at 173 MBs. The jetpacks feel slow but they're about twice as fast as running. You need pretty good trigger control to balance flight for soft descents. Drop to fast and you die - you can't just free-fall and land safely. Haven't tried them in combat yet but I imagine they'll prove the bane of planes. The handheld missile launcher locks faster and tracks better than aircraft missiles, yet the aircraft can't get a lock on those little men floating around the sky.

Pft. I didnt try to get them. I just played through the games and got them. Hence why mine aren't all 100% and most of my friends are. I'm one of the least on my friends list. Apart from the B3d'ers lol
You're off your head.
Well there's no debating that one ;)
Each pack changes up the gameplay to make it feel fresh.
Fresh? More wrong IMO. The free updates adding game modes and weapons have been well worth it. The new maps one can take or leave - they haven't made anything that's appealed to me personally in the new stuff. But the vehicles I just don't get. The dropship changed nothing AFAICS - no-one uses uit, certainly not with the necessary compliment to make it a formidable platform. And I'm not sure you'd want to. 7/8 people all in one vehicle, instead of spread out doing differnt jobs, seems like poor tactics to me. The APC has proven effective and teams that can use it well for some game modes find it invaluable, but it's hard to use in game without organised teams. Perhaps this one is more for the clans out there? The jetpacks seem imbalanced to me, maybe because rocket launchers are so effective? A rocket-man can terrorize the skies very effectively, but get vapourised readily, though they are remarkably good at shaking missile lock-ons. All the pack has really done is allow a player to travel over walls, eliminating chokepoints and strategy. And when all said and done, having loads of troops buzzing around the skies or skimming along the ground is plain silly!
Hmm. Not sure how I feel about the new update and map. The map seems incredibly easy to navigate, without the nuances of other maps. I'm not really sure what I mean by that but I think it feels like a bit empty space where you can progress unimpeded. Hmm.

As for jetpacks... well, suddenly they seem to make a lot of the other vehicles redundant. When you can move freely in 3 axis... why get in a jeep? Or a tank for that matter? WH's beauty before was the balance between vehicles. I should caveat this with saying that I only played one round in Tau Crater! But the jetpacks were present in Island Outpost and it changed gameplay up significantly. People zipping about, planting mines and difficult to shoot down (although I accept this is probably because I haven't sussed out what I'm doing yet). I still came fourth though! :)

I obviously need to give 1.5 and the new map more time. But what I don't want to happen is for strategies to have changed significantly. One thing that may help is limited flight time in jetpacks and a limit to how many can be deployed per team at once. Hmm.
Pft. I didnt try to get them. I just played through the games and got them. Hence why mine aren't all 100% and most of my friends are. I'm one of the least on my friends list. Apart from the B3d'ers lol

Ah ! the humble deepbrown :LOL:! I have got some too, so atleast I don't feel ashamed while looking at my friends list!
As for jetpacks... well, suddenly they seem to make a lot of the other vehicles redundant. When you can move freely in 3 axis... why get in a jeep? Or a tank for that matter? WH's beauty before was the balance between vehicles.
That's true, but I think the balance of jetpacks is kinda there. You are vulnerable flying around and you show up on the radar. If you want to travel the map at speed without people knowing where you are, you want a jeep. And a tank is used just for firepower! Having a jetpack in addition to those is helpful. Jeep about to die? Use the rocketpacks and Junior Birdman the hell out of there.

The problem I have with jetpacks is they polarize the gameplay. If the enemy have a rocket launcher, you're dead. But if not, they can't touch you. CTF with jetpacks is too stupid. You just grab the flag, fly to a jeep, etc. So easy to evade people. The do change the game-style, but not by adding to it IMO.

People zipping about, planting mines and difficult to shoot down
Lock on a missile and job's done. Unless the target has figured boost escapes, in which case you'll need to let of four in succession to be sure. My KDR has gone up considerably!Well, it would have if I was playing on ranked servers :oops:
Thanks for posting Shifty, helped clear up a few issues for me. I think my problem was partly the lack of playtime with jetpacks - they're not a (near) panacea to all attacks as I had suspected.

After the gym I'll play some more today and post further thoughts.

Jetpack users are incredibly weak against AA turrets. Just a couple hits will be a kill.

Rockets can be dodged by skilled jetpack users either by using boost, or by falling back to the ground quickly. Flying high above the ground is something that is easily puished.

Jeeps are far far faster than Jetpacks. In fact probably tanks are too.

Warhawks are still the king of the game in the hands of a skilled player.
Jeeps are far far faster than Jetpacks. In fact probably tanks are too.
Tanks are aout the same speed as a jetpack but slower than a boosted pack, making packs great for close-quarter tank kills. You can finally get on close enough to a tank to torch it without it running away and shelling you!
Tip: Jetpack out of your warhawk at the last minute.

Tip 2: Go in a warhawk with a friend to capture the flag, jetpack out of the Warhawk and grab the flag etc.

Tip 3: Equip Wrench...jetpack out of Warhawk above tank and land on him and destroy the tank with the wrench.

Tip 4: Jetpack out of damaged Warhawk, land on damaged Warhawk and fix with wrench, enter fixed Warhawk.
So they have it on sale for $20 on PSN. Are people still playing?

Actually, at this point, they should include all the add-ons for one price.
I went on yesterday and it was still very active. Also I didn't get my hide handed to me despite being very cumbersome with the controls! I think the more hardcore have moved on to other, fresher fields, leaving WH for newbies to enjoy. Definitely worth giving a go.
Yes it's still active. I bought it with the deal a few days ago. Very arcadey but that's what makes it fun.
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we now provide you guys with the full, and raw data stream from our stats database - not just awards and medals! Every game, every clan, every player, every kill. All of this data is delivered via XML so it’s very easy to Web 2.0-ify a community website. Yeah, Yeah, I know I just said “web 2.0” don’t hate me for using one of the most overused terms on the internet — It just happens to be true in this case so cut me some slack :)


Well done, Incognito. I will always buy a DLC from you even though I s*ck at the game (zero progress so far -__-).

Democratizing player community is a great web marketing strategy (given Sony's snail pace). Ties in nicely with our recent discussions in other threads too.

EDIT: Is there any way to bring the sandbox widget to Flash ? (I heard LUA con be converted to Flash and vice versa easily).
Game launching works great when I tried it.

Me and some guy went to play and were knifing each other was good fun then we exit back to home and chat about it giving a bunch of the avatar animations like thumbs down to each other saying owned.:D
Deal ends in two days! If you have a PS3 this makes a really fun game to play conveniently launched from the HDD without a disc so you can play in-between disc game sessions or when taking a break from watching a BD movie/extra features.
Since we reanimated the Lair thread, here's the Warhawk awakening… :p


Warhawk game director and LightBox Interactive president Dylan Jobe has hinted that the studio's soon to reveal its secret Sony project.

LightBox, which is rumoured to be developing a Warhawk spin-off called Starhawk, is the indie studio formed by ex-staff of Warhawk and Twisted Metal: Black developer Incognito.

Jobe said on Twitter: "Last couple weeks have been spent cranking on builds for SONY. Lots of good play-tests and game improvements.

"Keeping the new game under wraps for this long is tough, and very hard on our fans. But will be worth it all in the end!!

"Fans deserve real game footage and not a BS pre-rendered trailer," he added. "That's tricky 'cause pre-rendered trailers are much "safer" to do.

"But all the investment and time in the game itself is ultimately the right direction. For the product *and* for the fans!"