Waking up, mowing the lawn; life.


Dang it, I just don't get it. Every day it's the same thing, my wife rolls me out of bed to turn off the alarm clock and get the kids up/fed/cleaned-up/dressed/ready/to school. Every morning I drag me arse around with a perpetually half-full cup of coffee getting it all done with the same thought in my mind, "just put in the hour and get it all done, then you can crawl back in your nice warm bed for a few hours".

Somewhere between leaving to drop the kids off and pulling up into my driveway when I get back home something weird happens and my plans change. I always get back home to the empty house, (well as empty as a house with 4 dogs and 2 cats can be), and think to myself; "how can I think of sleeping when I actually have FREE TIME with no one making demands on me?!?!".

So I don't sleep, and today I actually found myself thinking of mowing my lawn....without my wife yelling at me to do it.

I think something is wrong with my brain. :?

(BTW-Sorry for babbling here, but I gave up on my blog and can't do this rant over at EB today.)
PC-Engine said:
Well at least you're wearing new headphones while mowing. :p
I haven't tried them out mowing yet, I think that's actually why I want to mow the lawn. :oops:

Then again, sitting here drinking coffee and doing a few bats cruising the boards is sort of nice too.
MasterBaiter said:
It sounds like your wifes programming is finally taking affect though! :devilish:
Self-programming to fulfil me morning obligations, she just kick starts me every morning when she doesn't work and wants to sleep in.

I don't begrudge her the sleep, she had a long weekend and long couple of days and has earned it....but it just makes it that much easier for me to slack off this morning. (Oh, I also cleaned like a mofo yesterday so my house is actually decent and I'm a bit ahead of the game)

I was just taking some time to play with the puppies in the backyard, they never fail to crack me up.

I'm SERIOUSLY thinking of mowing my lawn now...I even started putting together a play list. ;)
RussSchultz said:
Didn't it just snow!?
Dude, that was days ago...it's spring again now.

(The Region has got some seriously weird spring weather at times, but I like the variety.)

It's about 50f out and I'm gonna go and jam and do some grass chomping. 8)
Mowing the lawn is eeeeeasy. Just go buy a bottle of roundup and spread it on the lawn, no lawn mowing for a good couple of months :D
After using the roundup, a few days later and after getting beaten by your wife, you can call around a concrete spreader, no grass ever!
Lots of free time :D

I once saw some little solar lawn mower. You put pegs in the ground around the boundary of your lawn and it would mow everything inside it. You could also put pegs around the trees in the middle of the lawn etc, it was pretty impressieve. I think it was on that old Aussie tech programme Beyond2000 or whatever it was called. Go buy one and tell us how good it is :D
Your wife broke you ....

Its sad we lost another man in the fight against woman . But well I'm sorry that you a broken. I'm sure your balls look nice in her jewlery box
jvd said:
I'm sure your balls look nice in her jewlery box


But digi, don't listen to him. You're doing it the right way, it seems your wife deserves the loving you give her. In that case, everything's just the way it should be.
Woah, I owe Russ a big "thank you".....THANK YOU RUSS!!!!

Those headphones he recomended to me really worked out great mowing the lawn, I could hear my music perfectly!
digitalwanderer said:
(BTW-Sorry for babbling here, but I gave up on my blog and can't do this rant over at EB today.)
I pulled some strings, you're now no longer banned from EB. But consider this a warning.You'll be banned if you don't post some tractor pics soon! ;¬)
jvd said:
Your wife broke you ....

Its sad we lost another man in the fight against woman . But well I'm sorry that you a broken. I'm sure your balls look nice in her jewlery box

Brutal. And quite brave coming from a single guy. :p
Wife called me at work just a few minutes ago.

Wife: "Honey, I just got the yard cut."

Me: "Good job. Did you trim too?"

Wife: "Of course!"

Me: "That's my girl. Daddy will take care of you tonight for doing that."

Wife: "You know, stop saying stuff like that. Ever since Megan was born it's 'daddy this and daddy that'."

Me: "So no sex for Daddy tonight?"

Wife: "You're an asshole. Oh, and the new dual core review kit from *** came in today too."

Me: "Woot! No sex tonight! Ain't got time!!!!"
Brutal. And quite brave coming from a single guy.
at least i still have my ball in the right place and not in some ladys jewlery box !!!

But it sounds like you already lost yours

btw not single anymore and it kinda sucks
John Reynolds said:


The (most) disturbing thing about your phone call is I'm sure it's all accurate!

No doubt the pants were getting tight just thinking about the new hardware waiting for your arrival. :LOL: