Vista Pricing

Pirates make up a very small portion of the overall Windows userbase, to claim they are entirely responsible for the concept of licenses, activation, etc. or that M$ is somehow struggling as a result is laughable; where do you think the billions came from Einstein, the sky? Just because there are some people downloading and using the software does not automatically mean they would or could buy it if it were not possible to download nor does it mean M$ is losing a ton of money, it means possible revenue and nothing more. It has everything to do with fair use, uses that Microsoft is taking away at will simply so that they can sell more "licenses." This stuff doesn't deter pirates in the least, nothing M$ has or will concoct in the future will stop piracy, they know very well; instead they blaim piracy for implementing these "anti-piracy features" to lock in the general public to new pay models and thus increase profit.
Ahh, but now you're wrong. If I were to download a song, it's quite probable that I may have never bought it. If I were to download a movie, it's quite probable that I may have never bought it. If I were to download a game, it's quite probable that I may have never bought it.

If I download an Operating System, it's quite likely that I would buy it if I had no other alternatives. Why? Because your computer requires an operating system to function. You'd have to get something, and since 90+% of the world's x86 PC's run Windows, guess which OS that a majority (p(perhaps not all, but a majority nevertheless) of those people would purchase if downloading a pirated copy wasn't an option?

Exactly why should I give a shit what companies are supposed to do; Newsflash, M$ is not your friend and yes they are in it to make money, as a consumer I simply don't care, what I do care about is paying more while my options disappear so that the company can make more.
Because you're specifically the one who went on a tangent about Companies are supposed to sell blah blah this that and the other. No, they're not. They're in the business to MAKE MONEY. You're the one who went on the tangent, so I'm the one who responded. No more is needed on this subject if you can't follow your own discussion...
If I download an Operating System, it's quite likely that I would buy it if I had no other alternatives. Why? Because your computer requires an operating system to function. You'd have to get something, and since 90+% of the world's x86 PC's run Windows, guess which OS that a majority (p(perhaps not all, but a majority nevertheless) of those people would purchase if downloading a pirated copy wasn't an option?
So now you do agree that they have a monopoly?
I wish MS would just have one operating system to sell and support, would make life easier for developers and users. 32bit and 64 bit should be in the one distribution, you shouldn't have to choose which one to buy.
Do you plan on commiting suicide by means of heart disease in order to protest against MS?Coz` that`s what you`ll probably get by eating junk-food and leaving the sports out:)

Seriously now, all of these arguments are funny, because they`re pointless. MS will do what it wants, when it wants, even if it pisses some forum users, and some other dudes. It`s sad, it`s annoying, but it`s not going to change, since they have an adamantium monopoly. So we`ll all have to live with it.

And I`m not so sure about this having nothing on piracy...what if the crack provided is incredibly annoying/complex?What if you have to patch a shitload of files while touching your anus with a lighted match?Would you do it only to save the bucks?Would all of the shitheads(I`m not talking about anyone in particular here) that download from piratebay or from somewhere else and then start crying:"where is the serial, where is the serial, it don`t wanna work?" do it?I doubt it, and that`s how MS will get some more money-don`t make it uncrackable, make it annoying enough to crack/patch, and you`re set.
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for XP's activation it's even simpler than that. though it's very easily circumventable (download an ISO of a VLK version), it prevents granpda, joe and mom to install their bought windows version or a friend's one multiple times.

maybe things will be eventually the same. if there's a terribly annoying patch, someone will automate it or distributed a patched version.
That scenario is the best one for MS anyway, maybe 80% (out of my ass) PC are OEM that come with a paid windows, of the remaining 20%, a number of joes are "tricked" by activation into buying windoze, and MS better wants the remaining people to use the latest windows rather than something else.
So now you do agree that they have a monopoly?

Absolutely not. I can go download (or buy) multiple flavors of *nix, or I can go buy a Mac, or even a console for playing games.

If you want Windows games, you need a Windows operating system. If you want a Ford car, you get a Ford motor. That's not a monopoly, that's compatibility...
what about this car analogy :

you need a microsoft car to be able to use every road, including the ones to get to fun places,

you can get a *nix car but you can only do your commute and go to some lame hippie town.
you can get a mac car, overpriced, "stylish", allows you what *nix allows, plus a music store and some artsy shit.
you can get a console car but it only goes to pricy Disney Land parks and nowhere else.
what about this car analogy :

you need a microsoft car to be able to use every road, including the ones to get to fun places,

you can get a *nix car but you can only do your commute and go to some lame hippie town.
you can get a mac car, overpriced, "stylish", allows you what *nix allows, plus a music store and some artsy shit.
you can get a console car but it only goes to pricy Disney Land parks and nowhere else.

That's not Microsoft's doing, that's everyone else hopping on the MS bandwagon. You don't need to be on an MS operating system to use the internet. You don't need to use an MSOS to play games, to use productivity software, to monitor or maintain servers, to figure your taxes, to remotely control other devices, the list goes on.

The reality is, more software exists for Microsoft platforms because Microsoft is the biggest install base. That goes for malicious software too... As other platforms become bigger, they will also receive better software libraries.

Microsoft didn't invent this world, the developers did. Don't bitch at Microsoft because XYZ software only works on Windows -- bitch at the developer.
Seriously now, all of these arguments are funny, because they`re pointless. MS will do what it wants, when it wants, even if it pisses some forum users, and some other dudes. It`s sad, it`s annoying, but it`s not going to change, since they have an adamantium monopoly. So we`ll all have to live with it.

My point exactly, as long as MS does what it wants when it wants, they look like hypocrites when they whine about piracy.

Albuquerque, you're all but admitting the fact.
Well, what do you expect them to do?Piracy is a nice thing to whine about, argghhh matey:)

And what corporation isn`t a hypocrite?
$239 is a lot for some people.
should I give up sport and/or only eat junk food for a while so I can give what amounts to a drop in a ocean to an american software oligarchy?

Oh come on, I know you're not stupid, but that comment certainly is. No one is forcing you to buy Vista, there is no requirement and you can do anything you want with any other OS out there. I have yet to come up with any reason to buy Vista or any Microsoft operating system for that matter other than games, and damn it its Microsoft's RIGHT to charge for their product. I hate this bullshit that gets said about MS, no they do not care about you per se, but they care about your business. There is nothing forcing you or me or anyone to buy their operating systems.
I don't care that much, and I think NT 5.x will be still used for a good while
(but, how will it be something like 4 years from now)
Ah but there is something if you're a pc gamer, since MS decided to make DX10 and some games run only on Vista.

yea how dare they break that tradition after 8 years of backward compatability requring people to pay the huge some of ~$160US Retail for an upgrade CD once DX10 totally conquers gaming devs as the API of choice which itself wont happen for a number of years all but ensuring that Vista will be at a lower cost once it happens. :rolleyes:

Damn you microsoft and your evil ways. I just hope i can get your OS for free so i can TEACH you a lesson, then when you put in more messures to try to stop me from using your software for free i can complain even more!

Anova repeat after me

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit Sugarcoat, but I guess I am so evil and stupid to question what the good money making corporation wants.
I have to disagree here...MS made DX10 Vista only because they`ve putzed a lot with their driver model, the way the kernel works etc. To make it backwards compatible with XP would be non-trivial, and a bad move, considering it would deny one of the incentives for upgrading.

I don`t see it as evil, as they`ve tried to actually improve things, instead of carrying crap from former efforts. Othe things are stupid, like rewriting the networking stack...i have a feeling that`s gonna end up biting their arse badly.
Ah but there is something if you're a pc gamer, since MS decided to make DX10 and some games run only on Vista.

So? Who's forcing you to play the games? Oh that's right, no one. If you want to play games on a PC then you have to go to the company that makes it possible for the great majority. Once again, you seem to think MS is forcing you into things that its not. You're simply looking to blame Microsoft on something that isnt there.
My point exactly, as long as MS does what it wants when it wants, they look like hypocrites when they whine about piracy.

Albuquerque, you're all but admitting the fact.

Admitting what fact? It's somehow hypocritical to ask someone to pay for something that they should've been paying for? And that's somehow what I was defending? What thread were you reading again? :rolleyes:

If you can't be bothered to stop the strawman attacks, then go find a different thread.