Video of Stranglehold demo in action

They have studied Max payne alot and taken it to the next level. Looks damn good with all that interactivity and it has good animations. I didn't like the animations for the guys who got shot by a stotgun though, looked rather dumb. :S
The destruction part is quite impressive and a nice addition for this kind of game with lots of gunplay. Do they use their own physics engine?...
It looks really fun, which is the point. I'm not sure how they intend to stretch that fun across the game, but I hope they do.
I hope there's an option for Cantonese dialogue track with subs. Because I cringe at the possibility of everyone speaking with fake Chinese / broken English accents.
Nah, a Mandarin dub-version of Chow Yun Fat speaking Mandarin with a horrible accent would be better. :)

I don't think Chinese + subtitles will fly, even though I'd *love it* because it would have the feel of a real John Woo flick. I hate the fake Charlie Chan accents. Atleast hire native Chinese speakers with partial English proficiency to get the broken English *correct*.
Wow, the full John Woo experience. All they need to add are Doves or Pigeons flying in slo-mo!

I'm hoping they'll have a button for it during gameplay. I can see the tutorial now... "When the Melodramatic Dove Meter is full, press X on your controller." :)
I must admit, when I saw the first Stranglehold trailer at E3, I had suspicions the game might suck, kinda like Jet Li's game looked good in cinematics, but gameplay wasn't so good.

This new gameplay video gives me hope that this will truly be the first "movie director" game which gives you the feel of being in a genre film, but not having sucky gameplay.
Nah, they need to have a scene in a hospital, a mexican standoff (already seen in trailer), a "back of back" dialog while reloading guns, doves (already scene), Canto-dub/subtitle, motorcycle part, and characters talking at mirror reflections.

Maybe this will be a case where a video game success spurs a movie which is also reasonably good? Anyway, Woo should make "A Better Tommorow" and "The Killer" games after this.
... a "back of back" dialog while reloading guns.

Does brother Fatt reload his guns in the game ?

I thought he only reload once in the movies... usually face-to-face, charging towards the boss, or yeah... back-to-back talking to old friend turned bad. :)