Take one awesome mutator, two new game modes and a ton of maps and you've got an excellent expansion for Unreal Tournament III. The Titan Pack expands the replayability of the game and breathes fresh life into a shooter that you might not have played for about a year or so. While the added vehicle seems to be rarely included in the pack and some of the secondary elements, like the Eradicator turret, don't seem too useful, the main focus of the pack -- Greed, Betrayal and the Titan mutator -- are more than enough to make this an awesome title.
Plus, it's free! Go and grab this pack now and if you're a PS3 owner, start playing these two modes and expand on the number of servers available. It's your Unreal civic duty.
IGN Ratings for Unreal Tournament III: Titan Pack (PS3)
8.5 Presentation
No story necessary -- all you need to know is that for free, you get two new modes, one new mutator and plenty of extras to expand on your multiplayer experience.
9.5 Graphics
The visuals are exactly the same as that of the original release -- stunning and incredible to behold as you frag enemies all day and night. Some of the new maps are truly beautiful.
9.0 Sound
The same sound effects make a return and the scream of a titan or behemoth when they mutate is truly awesome -- you'll keep an eye out when these monsters come stomping across a level.
8.5 Gameplay
Greed and Betrayal are extremely fun to play, but some new maps don't take advantage of the turrets, deployables or Stealthbender vehicles as they should. That's disappointing for a multiplayer pack.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
PS3 owners, where are you? You're missing out on one of the most enjoyable packs in a while, especially with Greed and Betrayal to keep you playing for weeks and weeks.
(out of 10 / not an average)