Unreal Engine 5, [UE5 Developer Availability 2022-04-05]

The game looks sharper and more vibrant, and the colors come into their own much better than we've ever seen in a LEGO game. Well, almost then. There was once a puzzle game called LEGO: Builder's Journey. That game was created by Light Brick Studio and had raytraced lighting effects. That gave the digital Lego blocks in that game a very different look than the Lego blocks in all other LEGO games: sharper, more vibrant. That's a somewhat special way to describe a lifeless lego block, but it's exactly what we see in LEGO Horizon Adventures.

Coincidence? Certainly not, because the game is made with Unreal Engine 5 and also uses raytracing. James Windeler couldn't go into the details of that, but it does explain that there are visual similarities between Builder's Journey and LEGO Horizon Adventures. That's pretty impressive, because Builder's Journey was very small-scale. No world had to be built with all kinds of entertaining visual details. The number of blocks on which light effects had to be simulated was low. LEGO Horizon Adventures does the same, but in a complete game world where you can sometimes see quite large areas within one shot, and in which everything looks equally sleek and colorful.

Lego Horizon Adventures use UE5 and raytracing on PS5 and PC

Performance (60) fps and fidelity mode(30 fps)
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Exodus is an epic new sci-fi action-adventure RPG franchise developed by the team at Archetype Entertainment, former Bioware developers.

40,000 years ago, humanity was forced to abandon a dying Earth. Taking to the stars in massive ark ships, we found a habitable galaxy, in Centauri. Here, we are the underdogs, struggling for survival in a cold and hostile galaxy. Teetering on the edge of extinction, our only hope for salvation lies with the Travelers – brave heroes and explorers descended from the early colonists on those first ships that left Earth long ago...

00:00 Prologue
06:12 Cinematic Trailer
Exodus is an epic new sci-fi action-adventure RPG franchise developed by the team at Archetype Entertainment, former Bioware developers.

40,000 years ago, humanity was forced to abandon a dying Earth. Taking to the stars in massive ark ships, we found a habitable galaxy, in Andromeda. Here, we are the underdogs, struggling for survival in a cold and hostile galaxy. Teetering on the edge of extinction, our only hope for salvation lies with the Pathfinders– brave heroes and explorers descended from the early colonists on those first ships that left Earth long ago...

Seems familiar :unsure: