In the second video I posted, in minute 11 you can see some animated animals with specular lighting.
As for normal maps, isn't the point of unlimited detail... unlimited detail? Why would they need normal maps if they allegedly can create intricate objects with all kinds of forms, rugosity, etc.? Normal maps are needed in polygonal environments where you need to fake a higher polygon density in order to achieve prettier results without using the polygons you would need to create all those details. This is why I don't understand you saying that they could scan normal maps. :-S
Normal information is stored so you know the surface normal per pixel.
On polygonal engines you can acces surface normal and possibly few overlapping normal maps as well.
With voxel engines you do not have correct surface normal information unless you store it.
You could try to construct it from depth buffer, but it wouldn't be stable.
You need to have some way to describe surface properly for lighting. (Location, Color, specular color, normal, roughness, occlusion.)
Currently UD seems to have color and reconstructered normal.
What I was horrified was their comment that they cannot use normal lighting methods and had to invent a new way to light objects using CPU.
If you have all necessary information, the lighting equation doesn't care if you drew the source information with a deluxe paint.
It just works.
Sadly they seem to be adamant to reinvent a wheel and result seems to be a classic enviromentmap with light painted on and a XY displacement on read depending on surface normal. (Really, we used this in old good Pentium 1-3 era demos)
Sorry for the rant, but they have nice fast first ray search method and they could make it good.
Sadly as they withold information it's hard to know how it scales to multiple views and so on. (Could be great if new view would be cheap)