"Every day, the little Ant arrived early at work and started working. She was producing and was pleased. The boss, Lion, was surprised that Ant works without supervision.
"If she produces so much unattended, could she produce more if someone keeps her under surveillance?"- He thought.
So he recruited Cockroach who had extensive experience as a supervisor and could prepare wonderful reports.
The first decision of Cockroach was to introduce access control for Ant. Then Cockroach needed a secretary to help with the preparation of reports and Spider was hired, who also archives and deals with monitoring of telephone conversations.
Lion was fascinated by Cockroach' reports and asked for graphics of the production and trend analysis to present them at meetings specially organised for this purpose. For this purpose, Cockroach was bought a computer, laser printer and Fly was hired to lead the Department of Informatics.
Ant, formerly productive and happy, was so desperate because of so many papers and meetings that it took up the entire time!
Lion came to the conclusion that the time had come to establish 'Office in charge of the sector' where Ant works. The post was entrusted to Cricket, whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his desk. The new in charge, Cricket, also needed a computer and assistant (who he took from the previous job), to help him in preparation of a strategic plan to optimise and control the budget for the sector, at this stage working Ant had no longer fun and every day became more and more angry.
Meanwhile, Cricket convinced Leo of the absolute necessity for a study of the environment. After examining the workload, Lion noticed that Ant's sector already produced less than before. He hired Owl, a famous consultant, to perform audits and suggest solutions. Owl spent three months in the office and made a huge report in several volumes, with the conclusion: "There are many staff in this establishment."
Guess who was fired first by Lion?
Ant, of course, because she "shows lack of motivation and conflict behaviour."