United European Army?

John Reynolds said:
I don't know how many times I've argued with other Americans that the Russians destroyed most of Germany's army and probably would've defeated Hitler without western aid, especially if the west aided with war materials.
Huh? The reason is the 2 fronts (US/UK and russia) otherwise russia would have been conquier as the rest of Europe. I think it's overestimate USA when someone says that USA alone win the WW2, as the same saying that we could have win without them.
I was going to say something about diversity, and what HUMUS wrote, but then Mrs. Skywalker said it, so ill just agree with her, pretty much completely as far as that line goes ;).
MrsSkywalker said:
I do not understand how a country does not expect it's leaders to follow the law. (Ch4Art8) If you don't expect your leaders to follow the law, then why should the citizens??

This is a little silly, of course Swedes expect its leaders to follow the law. Though Ch4Art8 surprised me a little, cause there are several politicians that has been caught with illegal activities and brought to justice. Had to look it up in Swedish and see if I could get a better insight in the intent of this article, and to my understand what it really says is that you can't be held responsible for whatever you do that is your work in the parlament. That is, if you in your work in the parlament does say some economic reform, and it ends up hurting people economically or otherwise, you can't be put in jail for that ... unless 5/6 of the parlament thinks so. It's supposed to protect politicians so that they can do their job without fear for being prosecuted for taking impopular actions. On the personal plane though, you're on your own. And as art7 says, you'll have to leave your position.

MrsSkywalker said:
Look up the stats and you will find that the majority of imigrants in your country are from OTHER EUROPEAN NATIONS. There are imigrants in this country right now from almost every nation in the world. You have imigrants from what, 20 countries? And they are almost all white and Christian.

Yes, the US and Canada is much more diverse than Sweden. Though I think you're stretching it here. Yes, a large percentage, though not a majority, is from Europe (37%). Yes, we have immigrants from pretty much around the world too, not just 20 countries. I found 113 countries listed in the statistics, the rest was batched into groups like "the rest of Asia". And it's not almost all white and christian. 35% are muslims.
Had to look it up in Swedish and see if I could get a better insight in the intent of this article, and to my understand what it really says is that you can't be held responsible for whatever you do that is your work in the parlament. That is, if you in your work in the parlament does say some economic reform, and it ends up hurting people economically or otherwise, you can't be put in jail for that ... unless 5/6 of the parlament thinks so. It's supposed to protect politicians so that they can do their job without fear for being prosecuted for taking impopular actions. On the personal plane though, you're on your own. And as art7 says, you'll have to leave your position.

Ah, gotcha. Perhaps the meaning got a little off in the translation. That makes sense, though. They can't be prosecuted for not having the power to see into the future. :)
Evildeus said:
Not sure it's the right topic but well...
DeanoC said:
Its not a silly regulation, its a fundemental human right. Certainly more of a right than carring firearms! But I guess we will have to agree to disagree on the importance of that kind of privacy.

Well, the right to protect yourself and your privacy is essential. I'm not sayint that you need to have a firearm, but in situation where no poiliceman goes in your district, then how do you protect your rights?

So what privacy are you talking about? Privacy to me is the right to do what I want without somebody, anybody interfering or looking in?

Going to nitpick, with/in your property. Important precision from my point of view, otherwise, anything can be legal, even breaking your rights.

If I understand what your saying, your government can't know too much due to privacy laws. The data protection act applies to the governments equally as to private companies. Even a election ballot paper has to ask you to agree to the storage and counting of the infomation :)


In Europe, only matters of national security can override the DPA. Nobody even the Prime minister (I'm British) or the like can invade my privacy without major legal problems.

Agree but don't forget that the british law is more like the american than the europeans ones.

Its why were not bothered by lots of CCTVs over here, it protected at the highest level from use against us. The protection is higher than the government of the country. EU citizens have a court even higher than the government (in US terms, we can over the presidents head!)
Well, don't understand your point here. It's the case in the USA also :/ perhaps even more (actually it should be but well, interpretations...). The prosecution of ministers/president in France is quite hard ;)

I was just making sure it was understood that the an EU citizen have some good rights, countering the original statement, that a US citizen has better rights (that exact quote was "Privacy rights are better in the US").
I never claimed that Europe was any better (we may have different emphasis on bits), just that rights here are second to none.

Its kind of ironic to have me defending the EU, I'm not the biggest fan, if the UK has to decide between the EU or US, I'd pick the US every time :)

IMHO The US has done far more good for my country than any other foreign country and their attitude seems to be about right (they generally stay out of things, but are willing to do things when nessecary). Doesn't mean I agree with everything the US does (I don't think the UK is the US's poodle) but our shared heritage and values tends to mean will view the world in a similar way.
Evildeus said:
Huh? The reason is the 2 fronts (US/UK and russia) otherwise russia would have been conquier as the rest of Europe. I think it's overestimate USA when someone says that USA alone win the WW2, as the same saying that we could have win without them.

Never said that and certainly didn't mean to imply it. A lot of US citizens believe that Germany was crushed between the two fronts it was fighting during WW2 and while that's not inaccurate I don't think most realize how much of the German army Russia destroyed. Could Russia have beaten Germany without western help? Possible, though unlikely, highly unlikely.