You may be right? How does that contrast with other everyday heroes? A Google of Lara Croft shows similar claims. But as per Globalisateur's Mario reference, characters have been killing 'enemies' for no good reason for as long as video games have existed. Well, I suppose they were motivated by rescuing the something-or-other, so the justification of the genocide was at least altruistic.
Lara killed a grand total of 5 people in her first game (in the remake she only killed a single guy), and all of them were integral to the story. The remake in particular made quite a big deal about the fact that she chose to kill a person over a trinket. She was never ever a girl next door kinda person either. She was pretty ruthless in fact. The first TR was almost a poster child for a narrative living in perfect harmony with the gameplay. A harmony that subsequent games slowly but surely pissed away. At least until TR Undeworld came along and tried to capture the spirit of the first game once more. Ironically it was at its worst in the reboot, aka the first in the series that actually had the celebrity voice-overs, the writing, and hours of mocap.
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