Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4]

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I get stressed enough from everyday life without having to feel stressed when playing a bloody game. That for me was TLOU. I want puppies and rainbows and flowers to compensate for my own stressful life! :LOL:
They do need to introduce a new IP, like they did with Uncharted for the PS3.

Can't recall if they announced Uncharted within the first year of the PS3 though.

They certainly showed animation but didn't actually name or describe the game initially.
Don't think the game will use another main character, so it's still Nathan in present time.. hopefully with Elena.

From the info on Henry Every, looks like we go to Africa, Mecca and India this time.

I just hope Nathan and Elena are back, young, old whatever. They are a wonderful team...and please bring Sully too, no retirements for the old guy please. It ain't uncharted without him and , yes, bring that new Bald guy, whatsisname, from UC3 too, he is a funny one :D
Christopher Balestra, te nice president who replies on twitter , says:
I mean we’re going to be pushing storytelling and performance capture as always. But graphically I think we’re going to see a big jump with what the team is working on right now and I think people will be pretty amazed with all the good stuff that’s happening at Naughty Dog today

Earlier, one of them had said, "You will be in awe when u see our game".

Great, but please don't overhype it. Although you guys have always delivereed more than the expectations.
I get stressed enough from everyday life without having to feel stressed when playing a bloody game. That for me was TLOU. I want puppies and rainbows and flowers to compensate for my own stressful life! :LOL:

My hope would be that with zombies out of their system and into a separate game, we could perhaps get a new Uncharted that doesn't have any zombies in it.

As for changing IP, they were asked to shift audiences to more adult players. I don't think that is a factor this time. They will probably evolve further into a multi-title studio, and it will be interesting to see if TloU gets a sequal or we get a completely new title - it seems difficult to believe either of those will do a new J&D ...
Indiana Jones and Tomb Raider are the same thing...

TR is also a TPS...all the way back to the original. I'd say both games are more alike than different.

A TPS in which you've shot about 5 animals per level and where you spent 90% of your time trying to not die from dangerous jumps. That was the old TR of course. It's unfortunate that the new TR really isn't TR anymore. It is indeed just like Uncharted now. All shallow spectacle and not much else. It wasn't quite as mediocre as Uncharted in terms of gameplay mechanics at least, but the cynical hyper violence nearly killed it for me.

I just hope ND really works on gameplay this time. I already know they can make nice looking movies.
Funny, because for me the gameplay aspect is what really set the game apart. The fluidity with which you can traverse a 3 dimensional space and find various ways to take out enemies by stealth or force, with there also verious options for run and gun, melee and so on really set the game apart from games like Tomb Raider, where the whole combat aspect was all kinds of horrible.

Even the new Tomb Raider isn't that great in that respect, and it has far more silly and repetitive quick time deaths, that apparently is their take on the 'hide loading animation' idea that takes the form of 'throw ladder down' or 'squeeze through tight space' that Uncharted used.
Could this be an ingame character model for UC ps4 or just a Zbrush render?
The name of the image is "million_poly", so, its probably Zbrush. As for it being a UC model, nobody knows.

This model is based on the mocap actor for the new UC game so it's definitely UC related, but since Dark Sorcerer's old guy has roughly 1 million polys on top of what QD would call it the very base line. So would it be such a stretch to get a one million poly Drake for the highest LOD?
It actually doesn't look all that different than The Order models.
@Ultragpu: that character has the weirdest eyes. Are you sure the image is from ND?

I hope ND can bring some of the lighting tech from TLOU cutscenes to this game in realtime. Character lighting in those cutscenes was beautiful !
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