Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4]

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damnit. I was under a rock it seems. Still had a reminder set for today. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo. :(

Thanks scf!
it was scheduled for today?

aaaaaaagh now you make me remember the delay agaaaaain and to choose between Digital of Physical version.
I can't believe that Crysis was released for PS3 and Xbox 360. Even looking better than the PC original, which was no slouch either. I wonder how Crysis would look if developed for PS4 instead..
I do not want to turn this discussion into a Crysis discussion (no matter how much Scofield would like that :p ), so this is the only thing I'm going to say about it.

You are incorrect about the console version looking better. It had lower resolution textures, missing effects and props, among other things. Not really surprising, considering Crysis was ahead of its time, and was very demanding even on high-end PCs, so there was no way it could run like that on last-gen consoles.

Anyway, back on topic.

damnit. I was under a rock it seems. Still had a reminder set for today. Noooooooooooooooooooooooo. :(

It was actually first pushed back to April. :p Then to May just two weeks ago.
Indeed. It was already unbearable seeing that calendar entry pointing to today, then getting up this morning wondering which time the release might go online and become available, then to ask the question in here... only to find out, it's ANOTHER 2 MONTHS.

Meh. :(
Indeed. It was already unbearable seeing that calendar entry pointing to today, then getting up this morning wondering which time the release might go online and become available, then to ask the question in here... only to find out, it's ANOTHER 2 MONTHS.

Meh. :(

Yeah, it sucks but it's better to get a polished game instead of a buggy mess, we've been waiting for U4 for a while now.
Just wondering and I am not sure if you know, in terms of performance, is there a difference between using quads or triangles?

There is none, and because of a very simple reason - no current GPU based renderer works with quads. Everything is triangulated at asset export or conversion time and the engines are only using those meshes.
Also, I think that even nowadays it's relevant to have proper triangle strips or fans as much as its possible, so the converters are probably trying to make as much use of them as possible. Sure it's probably not as important as it used to be in the old days ;) but then again every little bit still counts.

Quads only make sense in the asset creation, but they're very important there. I think it's not just the modeling and sculpting and UV thing, it's also easier for example to paint bone weights on a quad mesh.
Mind you though, most game meshes are far from the relatively stricter CGI/VFX standards where triangles aren't liked at all.
*The moment you realise you spend too much time on B3D*

As soon as I saw the word Quad in Laa-Yosh's post, I thought "oh dear, now the thread will turn into yet another quad vs tris discussion"

Hehehe :D

To be honest I'm not as strict nowadays about triangles as I've used to be. Some years ago I've immediately bounced the asset back to the modeler, but with the schedules and scopes we have to deal today, I've become kinda... reckless? :)

Anyway, games have always been different. A long time ago I've done some game models too, and then it was a necessary step to do your own triangulation and tweak the edges to get better smoothing and silhouettes. Today it's a lot easier, pretty much everything goes, so there's no vs going on any more.
Yeah all game models are a mix, as there aren't any reasons not to use triangles where they're handy.
And game engines care more about vertex count and the fans/strips a lot more anyway.
Uncharted 4 has gone gold!

evan_wells: Lots of emotions as it ends. 10+yrs of hard work & talent into the franchise. Congrats Dogs! #gold #Uncharted4


Neil_Druckmann: Every journey must come to an end. #gold #uncharted4


cbalestra: Our best work w/ Uncharted is getting its own wings. We uploaded our final disc yesterday.

Uncharted 4 is GOLD!


bruce_straley: Pencils down - A Thief's Ended! I can't wait for you guys to play what I think is the best Uncharted of them all. #GOLD #Uncharted4
So the delay was because of manufacturing problems, or maybe to save R&C, anyway, can't wait :D
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