Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4]

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New trailer coming today:)!

Insane hair and skin shading FTW
My god...

I'm seeing some truly ridiculously awesome graphics here, it's like that kind of feeling when the gen just started and you see Killzone SF for the first time then have your mind blown away to a different realm. Just when I thought my body is finally accustomed to the level of graphics displayed in The Order, this just sent me back to phase one again :)!
Game has come a long way since the first demo

Love the improved foliage and textures... however the color saturation and gamma curves look heavy handed (but that's easily adjustable via TV settings). Other than that, the IQ is topnotch.
Woops messed that one up, it's 2016 not 2015 :LOL:

Corrected version and another comparison with E3 demo, Elena got fat!


Game has come a long way since the first demo
This isn't the best comparison though..because frankly the PSX 2014 looks better. Anyhow... trailer is epic. Big set pieces, varied environments etc. I'm just disappointed that ND's shading and lighting is still more of the same compared to some of the recent big hitters like Battlefront, The Order, Quantum Break. and I just don't like the facial animation. It's stiff, their eyes look dead etc.. (I must have a problem I guess because everybody's praising it)
For me the facial animation was actually the best part of the trailer. Those characters start to look believable to my eyes...very nice imo.

Especially the particular scene of the two on the couch...this looks very convincing and amazing to me.
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