Uncharted 4: A Thief's End [PS4]

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Or a lesbian sex game. Womb Explorer.

Supports PSVR.
Did you work your way through the alphabet trying to find an alternative? "B-oom. C-oom. D-oom. Maybe explore weapons of mass destruction? ... R-oom. Pretty prosaic. ... V-oom. W-oom. Female organ. Yeah, let's go with that one!" :p

You might be halfway right. Lara Drake may not want to follow in her Dad's footsteps and wants to work as a gynecologist.
My brain is uniquely developed that it can immediate leap to the nearest smuttily suitable substitute. :yep2:
Maybe the next new IP that Naughty Dog takes on will make people forget about Uncharted and Nathan.

I just hope this one has the best story in the series, i already know the gameplay is top notch from the beta. If this is the end to the series i hope it's the best it can be.

In other news, if you are buying the special edition the steelbook case is looking pretty good
Maybe the next new IP that Naughty Dog takes on will make people forget about Uncharted and Nathan.

Yup. Some franchises need to know when to stop. At it's core Uncharted is a solid third person shooter with some light platforming and even lighter puzzle solving. As much as I really like the characters, backstory and writing, the games are much the same (a good thing) with limited scope to diversify. Sometimes just taking those gameplay elements and mixing them up in a different way or setting is enough to make it all feel fresh.

The Last of Us showed me how a good team can take what is mostly the same mechanics (ok.. proper stealth plus introducing crafting) and retool it into something that is also very cool and which feels very, very different. I am so very much looking forward to ND's new IP, as long as it is new IP and not a resurrected old IP. :yep2:

And Tomb Raider is still there for my third-person grave robbing adventures and Rise is looks so gooooooood.
Yup. Some franchises need to know when to stop. At it's core Uncharted is a solid third person shooter with some light platforming and even lighter puzzle solving. As much as I really like the characters, backstory and writing, the games are much the same (a good thing) with limited scope to diversify. Sometimes just taking those gameplay elements and mixing them up in a different way or setting is enough to make it all feel fresh.

I really disagree with what you are saying for Uncharted 4. From what i played in the beta the gameplay is incredibly different from the three previous entries (i know, i platinumed all three in the collection just few months ago and played the beta a ton). The rope is a game changer for the gameplay, traversal, climbing, shooting feedback, recoil and and and... Uncharted 4 is just different to U1/2/3 and i don't think there's much room to argue there.
UC4 multiplayer isn't necessarily how the adventure will play. Core UC4 gameplay is likely very much the same as the others - move from encounter to encounter, shoot a bit, cutscene, dawdle with the fate with the world hanging in the balance looking for trinkets to collect, climb some walls, stealth kill, big shoot out, boss battle that violates all the previous rules of the game... ;)
The rope is nice but I hope it doesn't become an overused gimmick in the campaign, like the Batmobile in Arkham Knight,.
I agree with you all - however, the PS4's more powerful hardware may be enough to introduce some new gameplay elements. That jungle demo for example has suggested a far better enemy AI, compared to the previous games; also, climi. It's probably not going to be some major disruptive thing, but it could still feel like a different game compared to the first three.

I'm not sure if there's been any chance to play the actual single player at any conventions, for example. So we may not know enough at this point.
I am not talking about combat encounters and level design, i am talking about core mechanics which if changed can make a big difference.

Uncharted 3 MP

Uncharted 4 MP

Even without playing you can spot the differences.
You're talking about multiplayer. DSoup's talking about the campaign. I doubt much of the combat variation from the Multiplayer is going to make it into the campaign - that'd be not very Unchartedish. Generally when games deviate from the formula too much, fans complain. Iterating to make things fresh without breaking the core values is quite hard.
You're talking about multiplayer. DSoup's talking about the campaign. I doubt much of the combat variation from the Multiplayer is going to make it into the campaign - that'd be not very Unchartedish. Generally when games deviate from the formula too much, fans complain. Iterating to make things fresh without breaking the core values is quite hard.

The two demos point towards the opposite though.

First demo: Huge "arena" type area with enemies traversing through, searching for you, following others, checking if they become silent, viable stealth more verticality, destructible cover, rope/sliding gameplay
Second demo: Huge map, destructible cover, seamless transition between on foot combat and driving the jeep, the whole thing with the rope

I really can't see what is "the same" with the previous Uncharted games, maybe that you are shooting at dudes? :smile:
I really can't see what is "the same" with the previous Uncharted games, maybe that you are shooting at dudes? :smile:

It is a shooter with familiar characters and the same premise, it's you, one (or more) of your familiar buddies shooting an army of cloned enemies in some beautiful environments with some big spectacle set pieces. Big environments and using stealth to evade detection/combat or undertake silent takedowns has already been done in Uncharted. Stealth was introduced (albeit badly) in the first level of Uncharted 2 but it became a viable tactic in Uncharted 3 which did have big environments. The floating shipyard was a joy to complete in Uncharted 3 using stealth.

The rope does gives you an additional method of traversal in some places but fundamentally you'll be running around with a buddy, taking cover, shooting dudes while making quips about the murder rate! That is Uncharted :yes:
I was wondering about Lara and Drake meeting up and what that would be like. I came to the conclusion they are more likely to be relatives than lovers, but it would be possible, and if I (or Josh Whedon) were in charge of the next three Tomb Raider and Uncharted movies, that is definitely where I would go.
That picture made me rethink the whole "we are making this game's story such that it would be hard for it to have a sequel"

Maybe, what happens is with drake's ever escalating set-piece destruction moments, he'll manage to demolish the entire planet by the 4rth game.
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