Least impressive of what? Compared to other games, or least impressive part of that video? If that latter, it highlights the overall video quality, as the least quality part is still pretty exceptional.The clothing is the least impressive from what I see.
That doesn't match at all the video. The opening moments, his left shirt arm is matte like cotton. It's only shiny where it's sopping wet at the front. The silhouette shows clear modelled crease that are deforming with the bending of the arm. Likewise the creases at the back on the bottom of the shirt.It's all shiny and bumpmappy plastic looking.
Drake god old... but power of PS4 is there to make him look awesome.
It game and captured on the PS4 yet pre-rendered.. right..
Literally every single strand of beard and hair are rendered. The facial animation omg...
Should we expect the same quality for gameplay though? Not likely.
One user from gaf tweaked the brightness and saturation, turning the night into day:
Did they give any mention of a target date?
I am sorry but while the new Drake model; if realtime, then indeed, looks better than anything ever rendered in realtime (on sub $ 10.000 hardware at least), I think the old model looks 'better'.
This one is too different. If they did a reboot then okay. But how would they explain his change of facial features??
Least impressive of what? Compared to other games, or least impressive part of that video? If that latter, it highlights the overall video quality, as the least quality part is still pretty exceptional.That doesn't match at all the video. The opening moments, his left shirt arm is matte like cotton. It's only shiny where it's sopping wet at the front. The silhouette shows clear modelled crease that are deforming with the bending of the arm. Likewise the creases at the back on the bottom of the shirt.
I can only conclude from that comment that you base your interpretation simply on the obvious wet shader on the shoulder, that is all shiny and bump-mappy. Rather than fobbing off the whole video on a few obvious (yet still well executed) effects, you should look more critically.
Here's the final moment. Barely a jaggy to be seen (although camera effects mean vaseline, as is the fashion). Incidentally, what's the best image sharer for 1080p files? PostImage shrunk the image despite requesting not to, but maybe that's because I don't have an account?
This is actually what people docked Ryse on. Captured on the Xbox One, yet pre-rendered to save on loading times. I'm not going to comment on U4 in particular, too little information about it to form an opinion. I frankly don't care if it's pre-rendered or not, just imo.
I am sorry but while the new Drake model; if realtime, then indeed, looks better than anything ever rendered in realtime (on sub $ 10.000 hardware at least), I think the old model looks 'better'.
This one is too different. If they did a reboot then okay. But how would they explain his change of facial features??
That's rather subjective. It probably looks more like slime than wetness, but that's easily tweakable, and only a small part of the image.Yes in the beginning when he's crawling about to get up the clothing is detailed especially the leather shoulder straps and partial wet shader but when he gets up and is standing the wet shader looks horrible.
Having looked up some Ryse vids, I agree that a lot of the high quality artwork isn't new to this gen. Some of the Ryse stuff is exceptional in its cutscenes. As such, the clothing in this U4 clip makes it stand out IMO, as the thing is strong in every area..it is not the facial animation, skin shader or character model.
You mean no more impressive, yet equally impressive? Or no more impressive because it's old news? Or just this U4 clip looks poor because it's doing everything well except a single wetness shader?Yes and those people are uninformed because some of those cutscenes were real time and look really good. I too don't care if UC4's intro cutscene is prerendered or not given that it's not all that impressive compared to what's been shown by other games.
The main difference in UC4 so far is that the character still looks completely hand crafted, whereas Ryse was using 3D scanning for all the characters (although they did apply some stylistic changes).
Both approaches are time consuming, but scanning will almost always produce more realistic visuals. It takes a lot of talent and experience to get hand crafted artwork appear as good.