It has little to do with time. I get these kill ratios from the first hour or so of most shooters I play. Unless there is some ridiculous map knowledge element. Ofc practice helps but some people are just terrible at shooters. I suck at fighting games. I just suck at them.
You clearly have a natural aptitude for shooters, meaning you can learn and adapt to the game style faster than others. The time it takes you to develop your motor-neuron skills to get your thumb working to pull off immediate head-shot aiming is less than other folk, for whom it'd take years of practice to develop the same skills. Or rather, in the ordinary course events they will never be able to aim that way. I got reasonably good at headshots in U2 after playing the campaign a lot, but those skills quickly fade if I don't keep my hand in.
Why do crap teams even compete in the national cups?
That's an open, national competition. Not the day in, day out experience. By all means have open competition where the best players can shine, while noobs can try their luck. That doesn't mean the every day experience should be so imbalanced. There's a reason that as well as open natioanl cups, there are tiered leagues - playing game after game against impossibly stronger opposition and losing time after time isn't fun for the losers, isn't fun for the winners unless they're bullies who like unfair fights, and benefits no-one. You can't even improve your game if your the learning environment is too punishing, so it doesn't push the lesser team to become better.
I fully support pitting noobs against noobs for the first say 10 hours of a game. although this is still not perfect because amongst those noobs There will be people who can aim and thus completely rape everybody.
Why would you pit noobs versus noobs for the first 10 hours?
One thing that I would like is more BALANCED TEAMS. I remember on pc there where games that would even reshuffle teams mid game if there was some complete domination happening. I often would like the chance to switch teams mid game if that was possible - to join the loosing side!!!
I agree. I have done the same in WH, swapped sides to help the losing team, and with balanced teams it gives everyone a more sporting chance. That was one of my big issues with U2 that the best players (measured by level, as there's no other visible metric) tended to get grouped into the same team.
After that I'm for a big mosh pit. Simply put its fair!
But not ideal. In the same way putting everyone who wants to box in the same ring instead of dividing them into like abilities would be fair as everyone's in the same boat, but far from ideal in terms of giving the competitors a fair experience.
Seeing how many crap players there are that play for example mw day in and day out, even if they have a kill ratio of 0.33. I think ur underestimating people's ability to have fun even thought they are not winning.
Those people enjoy some rounds and hate other rounds. With better balancing they'd enjoy more games more of the time. Our time is precious. We don't to waste it sitting in lobbies waiting ages for games to appear, which requires the devs to come up with good netcode. We don't want to play a round getting spawn-killed, which requires the devs to balance the game to prevent exploits. We don't want to play a round where we're completely dominated by way better players, which requires the devs to balance the teams and players. Nor, if we're sportsmen, do we want to play a round where we completely dominate and have a boring 20+ minutes of shooting fish in a barrel. Just because people can find fun in the current system doesn't mean it can't be improved. In my circle of friends who aren't gaming forum frequenters, competitive online gaming has plenty of painful but easily solved issues. I don't see a single developer addressing these issues. I don't really see them even recognising them, which means things aren't going to progress. Thankfully there's a little progress in terms of online coop, but as we found the other day, limits like 3 players only means only competitive play is an option for some groups.
The equipment is only there to keep players playing. Not to make u all powerful. The differences are small, so small that only bad losers choose to whine about it.
It's unfair to call them bad losers. If they can never kill anyone and they get killed all the time, they'll look at the reasons why. If they see the other guy has different equipment unlocked at a higher level, that's what they'll blame. And if they have the same equipment, then they'll complain about being unfairly matched (some. Some are just sore losers!).
Do you not get killed by a headshot either way?
No. It takes several headshots. More for me with an AK47 than him with an FAL-SS, and my shots have less accuracy and more recoil making it harder to hit the head. So the guy who's better at shooters than me and can aim better gets the gun that makes it easier to aim and get headshots. And then there's 3 such people on their team and none on ours, so we can't do much at all (I still kept mobile, punched a few out, sniped one, but it was impossible to achieve the objective), and of course people on the losing team have no fun so quit, meaning only 4 players sometimes making even more lopsided...
U will never play a mp game that doesn't have some sort of tier system. What if it's the most amazing game in the world? Sure u die a lot but does that mean u cannot have fun??
And add a tier system that balances the experience and I and everyone else will have
more fun.
You can also provide open-house games for noobs to jump in with experts. Just give people the choice to find the sorts of games that they enjoy. What's wrong with that?