Well, the game is fun, but still doesn't have that "Just one more match" feel to it. Team deathmatches are fun in Airstrip and Yemen, don't like the layout of the Chateau. Seems to be just mish-mash of areas. Co-op Arena is also more fun on Airstrip than Chateau. Don't like Co-op Hunter, it requires extreme co-ordination which is best achieved when playing with a close friend. Totally falls apart when playing with randomn people. It sure is fun, but won't work in my case. Adventure co-op is fun and difficult too, feels good !
GFX wise, Chateau, Yemen and Syria look superb ! Airstrip looks bad, the contrast seems screwed up and very saturated, though the map is very well made.
The addition of Sprinting feels pointless to me as every one is sprinting all the time. Might as well remove sprinting and up the general movement speed. I see no point in clicking L3 every few seconds and coming down to crawl when its over.Anyways, no one uses the sprint to escape death, everybody uses the "roll" for that.
I have to say, as of now, Homefront MP demo is much much more fun than UC3 beta ! I hope they remove sprinting, up the movement speed a bit and playtest the maps more !