Uncharted's replayability comes from the online game, surely? No story driven game has much replayability, IMO, so you have to design in other elements like alternative characters to play or branched endings.
Yes, they have Provided the co-op for SP like mission replayability and MP.
BUT Uncharted 1 was very replayable due to its focus on combat in specified arenas. I have played that campaign 3 times, soomething I can't do with U2 's initial chapters. U2 is replayable from Nepal onwards I guess, but you do get bored of frequent interruptions to gameplay evey now and then. That didn't happen in Uncharted 1 because of its focus on shooting. UC1 was a TPS basically, UC2 was action adventure to me. UC3 seems to be moving towards a point where it will become a modern Adventure game.
I am not complaining as long as we have a separate co-op mode, as we all know that ND makes an amazing Uncharted adventure. But I sure want a lot replayability in campaign. Maybe they can have an aracade mode for the campaign without any gameplay stopping interjections. They take away player comtrol too many times in the gamescom demo, it gets I am playing, now I am not, especially during your repeat playthrough!