Uncharted 3

The graphics still make me suspicious about what kind of sacrifice has been made for 3D support.

I thought things are typically cut out or scaled down while in 3D mode, not 2D mode, no?

Though I guess just including 3D as an option can impose some limitations, much like how including split screen does for single player/screen modes as well.

Why is the split screen awful ? :unsure: its just a split screen of the same game.

If it's like a typical split screen, it's going to be scaled down. You're pushing the engine almost twice as hard.
heh, I hated the survival waves more, you know where enemies dont dissapear but you often have to find the last one hiding in some edges staring at walls. This is no campaign, so I dont care if enemies dissapear after finishing objectives/rounds - its the same as respawning after rounds in competitive games (even real life sports like football do something similar after goals)

I understand disappearing eventually but it seems to fast. Maybe it only happens in split screen but look at the vid below approx 0:53 and 2:34 mark.


U2 vid coop seems better done:

NaughtyDog's perspective on beta:

"When it comes to multiplayer, everyone's opinion is valid," Cogburn says. "I don't like the way this gun feels. Okay, tell me why. I love the way the gun felt. Alright, tell me why. To find that grey is such a black art, and I'm still working on it right now."

With the Uncharted 3 beta now available to the public, there must be an awfully long line forming at this particular Naughty Dog desk. Thanks to a data collection and filtering system, devised by the programmers and company co-president Christophe Balestra, Cogburn and the team can eavesdrop on every match and single out the topics they're most interested in.


Cogburn is looking for "reasonable arguments" from the community to form within the flood of feedback, and can respond through an array of granular adjustments on his side of Uncharted 3. "Oh, man, we have so many knobs. I can adjust everything from player run speed, to the wobble of the gun when you shoot, to the zoom that occurs when you go in, to how much damage [you take] -- whether on the feet, the legs or the chest," he says. "I have all sorts of knobs that I can play with all the time."

A public beta is the beginning of a debate: the game designer who should know best, versus the players who might know better en masse. Naughty Dog is confident that necessary changes unearthed by the community will be minor, and willing to rethink larger mechanisms if the incoming data demands it. It may lack the Hollywood framing and thrills found in the single-player campaign (which now has a larger team dedicated to it than Uncharted 2 had), but the story emerging from the numbers is worth pursuing. There are arguments to be settled, for and against firing rates, reload speeds and recoil. "We'll get those numbers and do what we gotta do," Cogburn says.


It's risky business. Past betas have not gone beyond fixing bugs. Some or many users will inevitably complain that their feedback were not considered at all.
Tried 3 rounds of deathmatches and 1 co-op. :love: :love: the co-op. Exactly the difficulty level and AI I want (Spot on !)

Airfield map is clearly unfinished since I saw a pair of floating side mirrors beside a car. Gunplay is solid. Don't know why people complain it's too slow. ^_^
I suck at the game. Don't know the maps enough, forgot how to melee, etc.
The graphics still make me suspicious about what kind of sacrifice has been made for 3D support.
I think it looks better than UC2 MP at least, as for 3d support I recall GG once said doing 3d helped them to optimize the 2d even more. I don't know man, the SP still looks pretty crazy.
I was finally able to play. It doesn't give the same feeling as uncharted 2 though there are the same mark of gameplay. The movement of the characters feel a litle bit slower while aiming and turning around.
I don't like the beginning of the plane map as the bad guys. It is really difficult to jump fromtruck to truck to getto the plane.
The co-op mode gives way more cash. it is also of course longer. There are few bugs when you want to play with buddies online you don't have on your friend list. sometimes the objectives don't appear correctly or the ennemy is stuck somewhere and you have to find it or the time will be out.

I really love the hardcore mode. No boosters at all only the guns and your skills.

Haven't tried the two split screen mode yet. i don't think I will unless I find someone to play with.

The only main problems sometimes are how many bullets you have to throw to an opponent to bring him down. there s no hint at the hit box. sometimes you fire few bullets sometimes you empty all your ammo to get only one guy who don't want to fall down....
Also they removed spots where you can find ammo boxes and weapons don't spawn as often as they used to do in U2 so it's difficult to stay alive when you don't have ammo.
The buddy system is a nice addition.

Can't wait to play plunder and other classic U2 modes and discover the Yemen map. Fun is there, skills too.
But too much problems on the hit box.
And in the coop there is no sound or notification that you have taken down an opponent.
Liking it so far. There's some room for polish yet and the game could do with a little more smoothness. The graphics still make me suspicious about what kind of sacrifice has been made for 3D support. But overall it is a lot of fun.
I agree. It doesn't look all that different from Uncharted 2 and the beta maps aren't the most impressive artistically. On the art side it's especially underwhelming in comparison.
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I think it looks better than UC2 MP at least, as for 3d support I recall GG once said doing 3d helped them to optimize the 2d even more. I don't know man, the SP still looks pretty crazy.

ya, considered the 3d mode is half res according to DF, it shouldn't effect too much. Unless its full 2X 720p in 3d mode, then they might have to scale back alot to get it runs smoothly.
That's what you get for testing the product too early with the public ^_^

Most will highlight the negatives and people are uncertain if the issues can be fixed on-time.

I think LBP2 and Journey benefited from the betas. There is nothing to compare them with. Most other "traditional" Sony game betas seem to suffer a backlash because they show the game unpolished and couldn't address the feedback adequately. Will see if NaughtyDog is any different.
Is the FOV wrong in splitscreen or is the complaint something silly like the game doesn't maintain the same fidelity....

I wouldn't know, I haven't played the demo yet, have to wait until Monday.

Judging from the comments here and elsewhere, it seems the complaint looks to be directed at the fidelity.
Played some more. Stated playing Hardcore and it's much nicer without all the gimmicks of regular TDM. The freezes and framerate issues are gone. I really like the vertical gameplay options. Creates a great dynamic.

The things that really take the fun away are the bullet sponge enemies. Coupled with excessive rolling and ridiculous grenade power, it ends up being a frustrating experience. Headshots are really weak. Perhaps the weakest I've seen in a shooter. The movement needs improvement also. Floaty and slow is how I'd descrbe it.

My ideas for fixes:

Improve gun power, esp headshots. The benefit of aiming for the head seem pretty minimal for now. This is a bigger issue when it's hard to determine accuracy and identify bullet trajectory
Melee range. It's really weird, I've meeled and been hit by people who perform the animation but are no where close to me yet contact is made. This could be lag. I'm not sure but it's happed a lot
Control your roll! Add a lag or recovery time after a roll. Right now people spaz out when they're getting shot and the good players can easily evade until the health regen kicks in
Grenades either need more time before explosion coupled with a smaller blast radius. For now, you can often trade kills if you get caught out by doing a roll/nade combo
Movement just feels strange. It's been like that in all the UC games but you tend to notice is lot in MP because it effects your reactions more

Now these all might be design choices for whatever reason but these are the choices that really stop me from committing to the MP.
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Is speed really a concern ? The AI enemies have similar speed too; they seem to move "naturally". If they want to speed it up, the AI will become more "gamey". I guess people want to move back to Uncharted 2 v1.04 ?

Human enemy health seems ok for me. AI health is a bit too high, only need to adjust one notch down.

Don't care about the perks, so they can take them away and I won't complain. The co-op submodes are fun though.

The rest are really just rough edges. Polish it up and we're done.
MP health / weapon power balance is just about right. Unfortunately majority will complain and ND will CODify it a little as they did in Uncharted 2. People don't seem to understand networking at all, and only wants to be able to one shot kill while camping or something.

The slower movement, compared to U2, while bugs me a lot, is arguably an understandable tradeoff for the smoother animation system.

I started with Hardcore TDM fearing booster balancing issues. It was fun, got me leveled up quickly, but I never turned back after playing other TDMS.
For the default TDM, no one seems to mention it, but powerplays are awesome and extremely fair with the money compensation and all. Except maybe for VIP (Marked Man), which is still fun but not really/necessarily fair to the loosing team.
3-TDM is also uniquely fun, perfect for 2-player party with somewhat specops feeling, even has a sudden death overtime for tie breaking.

U3 beta also addresses some of U2 issues:COD like saved Loadouts, even letting you change in game with a cost(?), properly implemented late-join, quick mute all, buddy system, etc..

Uncharted TV is also a great addition though I hope it won't be limited to trailers and behind the scenes footage. I also hope they move to p2p and higher resolution.

Loading also seems great, properly utilising pre-game lobby.
What's up with silent party invitations? Totally useless stuff. Is this a sign of a new "global party system" on PS3?

I feel like there are a lot of great ideas and in the end it may very well be much more successful than U2 MP. They have to do a lot of balancing obviously, but it should be easy especially with the "background" update system they have in place (have had since U2).
Goddamit, back from China and can't get it since my PS3 is not behind a NAT! Every other MP game works fine....but I guess that what a beta is for.
Melee range. It's really weird, I've meeled and been hit by people who perform the animation but are no where close to me yet contact is made. This could be lag. I'm not sure but it's happed a lot

I think it could be lag. I was playing the beta a few minutes ago and killed a guy who then shout over the mic "how did you melee me?". He probably got the damage a little bit later in his screen. But II am pretty sure I made proper contact