I have an extra code too which I got with Infamous 2. Free 30 days PS+ means I am in anyway.
Beta server probably overloaded since a lot of people want in.
Read through the GAF beta thread. As per usual, Sony betas have very poor quality. Probably won't participate. ^_^
I don't think Uncharted is a platform to compete with COD/BF - they are two different game types. Hell, the others are even first person! Uncharted's online has to be different, and if someone's looking for a COD-a-like, I would hope they do get disappointed with U3, as that means U3 is offering something different!For people who loved UC2 MP, they'll probably find this right up their alley. However if the goal is to grab the CoD/BF3 audience, I don't see this happening until they severely overhaul the guns, movement and power.