How could megatron be done realistically tho? I mean, come on, a full sized 'bot as big as the others that transforms into a hangun that fits into the palm of their hands?
Exactly, and that is the reason they had to change him. Soundwave is another who they said would be changed. Bumble Bee (Goldbug) also was stated to have changed due to Volkswagon not wanting their car in the movie.
Obviously sticking to the basic premise would be good. Prime should be a semi of some sort. Starscream a jet. And so forth. One of the things that came out of G1 was explaining WHY they were what they were and how they assimulated "modern" technology. So while some changes are certain to be dumb (e.g. the cop car), in general I am expecting some. IMO The Megatron robot (the Cybertron version) is darn scary and accomplishes with Decepticons are about: Fear, destruction, and exploitation without the smallest of concerns for the non-senitent pond scum located on the planet they intend to rape and enslave.
What I hope they don't mess up are the characters. A big part of TFs, beyond the mythos, was the fact they were not just machines, but could be "graded" on in intelligence, strength, speed, stamina, and so forth. And most importantly was their individual ethos. Optimus Prime was Optimus Prime not because he was just smarter and stronger (although that helped), but because he truly believed in defending the defenseless and ALWAYS doing the right thing, even if it ment personal sacrifice. This was his greatest strength and weakness and was what defined his leadership.
The trailer looks very good quality. I hope the story is well developed, as well as doesn't take any shortcuts. e.g. I would love for them to setup the dinobots and so forth for a sequal. There is bound to be some artistic license taken. Stuff like Beast Wars (meh) took a lot. What I hope is they capture the personas and take the theme of good v. evil to a modern/adult stage with real fear and destruction while working in the original characters, what they stood for, and somehow working in the concept of transforming and masking of not only that they are robots, but also what side they are on. What scares me is it seems from the trailer there is a human "love" story involved

They could learn a lot from Gollum and Kong and try to focus and represent Prime as the main character, with Megatron as the chief antagonist. Fear, hate, anger, pain, suffering and so forth from Megatron and all the opposite from Prime.