Top 10 emotive games?

Ico, Okami, FFX, SH2. My opinions are facts. This thread should be renamed "ICO, Okami, FFX and SH2 are the most emotional videogames in the universe".
Star Control 2, FF8, Kotor, numerous Legacy of Kain series games, well I quess FF7 also is good enough for this list... so that's in. Hmm can't really point out others at the moment, I'm sure something would come up with more thinking...
Silent Hill 1
Death of a certain lady and the music that plays in the BG

Silent Hill 2
Simple scary, shit my pants emotion. (hey its still an emotion:p )

First game that made me hate all government. (just like V for Vendetta)

Shadow of the Colossus
Oh man the music...

Yeah i know its not a game... but I just so hate it sooo much. Just wanted to smash my foot into my tv.
I think of it more as a movie/cinematic experience with bad/good actors that make you laugh or cry or whatever using their acting skills to deliver the emotion. To turn your post into an analogy, I think you are talking about a stand up comedy where it's purpose is solely to be fun and funny.
Fair point about WLK and Locoroco.. Football Manager on the other hand supplies all sorts of emotions, despite being more of a spreadsheet than a movie. It creates all the emotions associated with the real sport - delight with a good result, a real sense of pride for a youngster who scores a crucial goal, a sense of security in the knowledge your veteran players won't let you down, rage directed at referees or poorly performing players, stress during hard times, annoyance at a rival manager who makes sly comments about your team, depression when it all goes wrong at the last minute.. You could argue that it's not aimed at being emotional in the most obvious sense, but it does an incredible job of getting you really emotionally involved in the successes and failures of your club. Plus it has more "characters" than any other game mentioned so far, each with their own personality traits!
FF7 had moments which made me sad (dialogue after aerith death).

Doom (way back when) had me scared shitless.

Mario games had me so angry that I would break stuff.

Xenosaga/ Chrono Cross had me intrigued yet confused.

Earthworm Jim was funny (way back when).

The Aventures of Lolo changed my life...probably for the worse.
Silent Hill 1 and 2 (especially if you like to go for the more negative endings like I do ;) )

Shadow of Memories (together with Silent Hill 2 the best and most depressing game ending ever)

Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and X-2 (the bonus ending)
Ico, Okami, FFX, SH2. My opinions are facts. This thread should be renamed "ICO, Okami, FFX and SH2 are the most emotional videogames in the universe".

In lecture today, my astronomy professor announced that there was a recent major discovery . Apparently they found the centre of the universe : you.

In lecture today, my astronomy professor announced that there was a recent major discovery . Apparently they found the centre of the universe : you.


Actually if the universe is infinite, then one could say from their "perspective" they are at the center of it.:idea:
I fail to see why nobody has mentioned Shenmue yet. That is pretty much as emotive as a videogame can get, and the soundtrack was particularly tear-inducing.