Tomb Raider

Some people question whether it's a good Tomb Raider game though because of the lack of classical puzzle solving elements and at times it devolving into a third person cover shooter.

Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoyed it, but It's pretty much a cold hard fact that this isn't really a TR game at all. The friggin' tombs (and calling them tombs is a real stretch to begin with) aren't even part of the main narrative for crying out loud. If this is a TR game then so is God of War Ascension. (which actually has a much higher puzzle density and probably just as much on-rails climbing)
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I enjoyed this game a good bit, the graphics I thought were great and I am almost ashamed to admit almost good enough (give me this with 1080p on console and it would be near perfect).

In the end I thought it was a bit short, and yes the tombs were not to my liking. I kept having Fable moments when she would open a chest. I found a few of the jumping puzzles to be a bit frustrating, and overall I wanted better puzzles and more exploration.

I did rather enjoy the world, and the combat (melee was not all that great). I think it was too much combat for what I wanted from the game, but it was at least not tedious.

I look forward to seeing where they go from here. Got to 73% with main story completed in around 11 hours, first half went slowly as I was exploring everything. Last bit went quick as I was only doing 50% of the exploring.
I don't really care about who makes them to be honest. I just hope that someday someone will take another stab at making traversal gameplay challenging again. Traversal in today's games is about as interesting as a stupid QTE. That said, QTEs at least demand a cetain degree of attention. For now TR has merely joined the overcrowded ranks of games which figured out how to make killing entertaining. Huzzah!
Everyone universally agrees it's a good game. Some people question whether it's a good Tomb Raider game though because of the lack of classical puzzle solving elements and at times it devolving into a third person cover shooter.
For me I think the mix is just about right. For a modern game in this perspective the duck and cover (or straight out melee) areas are great for heightening the tension, but then you get to some areas that just take you right back to the originals in terms of jumping and swinging, etc. The environment is immersive, detailed, well done and very up-to-date from a gameplay perspective, but then you suddenly get those incredibly nostalgic elements.
Everyone universally agrees it's a good game. Some people question whether it's a good Tomb Raider game though because of the lack of classical puzzle solving elements and at times it devolving into a third person cover shooter.

Regardless, everyone should go play it. I actually invested the time to 100% the game, took 21 hours. Not bad for what I paid for it.

I can imagine they wanted to merge the classical "tombs" / big rooms who was find in first TR in the large and detailed environnement.. I have play TR 1 and 2 a long time ago ( PS1 ) . But i remember you was enter a room and nearly solve the way to go on a relics or for exit the room . and they have put effectively some passage " more closed", where you just fight.

The game have sold so well, they will ofc been a suite, they can add large Tombs " puzzle " room as in the old one by a DLC, or in the next one.
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IMO - the game-play mechanics are superb in this game. It just feels very solid. It's very smooth and the gameplay points you well in the right direction on what to do, where to go, without having too many of those moments where you just feel lost. I actually also think that the visuals are very impressive, even though at times, the color perhaps are rather bland, which is fine with me, because it suits the theme of the game.

What I am a bit more unsure about is the combat. In the old Tomb Raiders, despite there being a lot of shooting, it was foremost a 'platformer' - a platformer in the sense, that due to auto-aim (and no way to effectively duck or hide), the only means to defend yourself from enemies was jumping and moving around the grounds quickly, while keeping on firing. Even if combat mechanics like these don't really work in modern games anymore (it wouldn't fit into the realistic setting that we've come to expect), I'm not sure I prefer the shooter-esque mechanics either, even if they work rather well.

I guess I'm just a bit concerned that this game, will turn too much into a shooter. Like in Uncharted, I found the battles to be the weakest point of the game - though at least there, you have a huge mix of sandbox combat, running away from something, exploring, puzzle solving etc. From a Tomb Raider, I guess I expect a bit more puzzle solving, more exploring, more traps (yeah, be careful how you solve the puzzle, or you might end up dead), and the occasional here and there combat.

In the old Tomb Raiders, I loved fighting against wild-life even a bit more than against bad people. It gave it a certain atmosphere, being in places where there are things that are more scary then some bad guys with guns. In this Tomb Raider, the only wild-life that I remember that gave me a nostaligic feeling were the wolves in the beginning and going into Uncharted-combat mode, pressing L1 to aim and R1 to shoot just felt wrong, as animals just move too quickly to use this kind of mechanics effectively.

I want more battles against wild-life and mythical creatures. Less humans.

Just to add - the original Tomb Raider - the first encounters with wolves, then later the lions, monkeys, even aligators. It just keept getting better and better. It clearly picked up once you got the the mythical demons on the horses (that were first like statues and came alive). It was exhilirating. Far more than ever battling with some bad guys with guns. (Just as a note, I haven't completed this game yet, so no spoilers, in case there are still some to come....). :D
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I feel like a good chunk of how we think about this Tomb Raider will depend on its inevitable sequel. If Tomb Raider 2 is just like Tomb Raider 1, then it will get points deducted, but if it continues with the evolution if the character into digging into tombs with awesome puzzles while still having a semi-decent story, then both games will have been made stronger for it. It's like saying Pokemon Red/Blue were great, but Gold/Silver evolved on everything in such an amazing way.
I feel like a good chunk of how we think about this Tomb Raider will depend on its inevitable sequel. If Tomb Raider 2 is just like Tomb Raider 1, then it will get points deducted, but if it continues with the evolution if the character into digging into tombs with awesome puzzles while still having a semi-decent story, then both games will have been made stronger for it. It's like saying Pokemon Red/Blue were great, but Gold/Silver evolved on everything in such an amazing way.

I agree. I hope Tomb Raider 2 includes swimming and diving sections, and more classic puzzles (yes, like those where you had to travel the level to get a key and then get back, etc.) and platforming.
No, I think we were talking about the original Tomb Raider titles released back on the PSone and were comparing that with the overall new direction of this recently Tomb Raider and "Tomb Raider 2" probably as in the sequel to this new remake of the series.

I actually never played Anniversary.
You mean Tomb Raider 10 (Tomb Raider: Anniversary being a remake)

No, I think we were talking about the original Tomb Raider titles released back on the PSone and were comparing that with the overall new direction of this recently Tomb Raider and "Tomb Raider 2" probably as in the sequel to this new remake of the series.

I actually never played Anniversary.

Nope. Again, I was quoting this post:

I feel like a good chunk of how we think about this Tomb Raider will depend on its inevitable sequel. If Tomb Raider 2 is just like Tomb Raider 1, then it will get points deducted, but if it continues with the evolution if the character into digging into tombs with awesome puzzles while still having a semi-decent story, then both games will have been made stronger for it. It's like saying Pokemon Red/Blue were great, but Gold/Silver evolved on everything in such an amazing way.

Of course we were talking about old Tomb Raider games, but here he is talking about how the new Tomb Raider 2 can improve the previous title (Tomb Raider reboot).
This is one of the few games i'll happily repurchase and re-play. I really loved the game play.