Tomb Raider

Reviews for the game are really glowing. This will be viewed as sucessfool reboot.

Btw, for those who did not see, PC version will use AMD's TressFX technology [based on Direct Compute] for realistic hair rendering:

This will also work on Nvidia cards.

Looks awsome! Great to see it works on NV cards as well.
Reviews for the game are really glowing

I think a lot of them are only glowing if you disregard the text entirely, though. Ellie Gibson's Eurogamer review is incredibly negative. Reads like a 5 or a 6. Same deal with the Gametrailers review and, to a certain degree at least, Edge Online's.

The few German reviews I've read so far are the same as well: a barrage of complaints, maybe a backhanded compliment for balance, and a glowing 8+ score at the bottom. Sorry, but WTF?
They need to fill quota of words for their reviews, so they resort to needles bitching. If they bitching was justified, they would lower the score.
Tomb Raider: Eloy's Disappointment

I like what I see, but I DON'T LIKE IT as a Tomb Raider game!

It's like Tekken going Uncharted (yeah, extreme example but why not): "hey, look at Kazuya shooting at those guys! Excellent graphics and gameplay! Just like Uncharted!" Yeah, great, but when I play Tekken I want to play a fighting game, no matter how good Uncharted is...

Sorry, but this ain't Tomb Raider anymore. I miss the old games and I wouldn't mind if they did the same thing again and again. What's wrong with NOT innovating, if something works and it's fun? Underworld was the last true Tomb Raider game. Curse you, innovation!

Moreover, Tomb Raider without swimming and diving? Bollocks! Heck, I'm so pissed off!

I'm sorry guys, I'm going to the bathroom, I need to blow my nose and dry my tears.

RIP, Lara.
EDIT: by the way, Al, thanks for the video review! That was hilarious! :D
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Innovation is really the last word I'd choose. At this point, not innovating TR could almost be mistaken for innovation anyway. Just copying what everyone else is doing can hardly be called innovating after all. I also don't buy that a game now these days cannot sell unless it's like every other game on the market, especially if your IP is as well known as TR. Sure, the latest TR games weren't selling quite as well. I just doubt it was due to a lack of cover based mass slaughter. TR Underworld didn't sell all that well because it had a ton of other problems. The camera was terrible, the combat mechanics were god-awful, there was an impressive array of bugs and the main character felt squirrely and weightless thanks to some really odd animations.
The Eurogamer review says that the last 3 hours of the game are actually very good.
Innovation is really the last word I'd choose. At this point, not innovating TR could almost be mistaken for innovation anyway. Just copying what everyone else is doing can hardly be called innovating after all. I also don't buy that a game now these days cannot sell unless it's like every other game on the market, especially if your IP is as well known as TR. Sure, the latest TR games weren't selling quite as well. I just doubt it was due to a lack of cover based mass slaughter. TR Underworld didn't sell all that well because it had a ton of other problems. The camera was terrible, the combat mechanics were god-awful, there was an impressive array of bugs and the main character felt squirrely and weightless thanks to some really odd animations.

Of course, I know that copying other games =/= innovating, but I think you got my point ("innovating" within the series, even if that means turning the game into something that has already been done).

And I know that Underworld wasn't perfect, but it had that Tomb Raider flavour, at least, to me. :cry:
The Eurogamer review says that the last 3 hours of the game are actually very good.

I'm pretty sure the entire game is good. It's just not the kind of good I was hoping for. I'll certainly gonna play it at some point too. I'm just not feeling particularly rushed to get it before it's really gone down in price.
The only reason I don't want to play this one is because it just looks too violent.

I just don't like the realistic (not real) approach in this game. It's too dark and murky and bloody for me.

I liked Uncharted because it was fun and exciting and colourful.

This one has way too much violence in it for me... and this is coming from someone who enjoys Doom and Killzone and Halo.

The whole virtually torturing (I know they don't mean it this way, but it looks like it in my eyes) is too much for me.

Though I can see this as exciting to play with friends. The Conan O'Brien Tomb Raider 2013 review is amazing... check it out here...

Conan's Clueless Gamer; Tomb Raider:
Game is already selling in Europe/Australia.

I must say, Tomb Raider managed to surprise me. I expected good game, but this is phenomenal. I really, really like it. Big congratulations to Crystal Dynamics, they made a an excellent reboot.
I received this game in the mail yesterday and after playing it for a good hour, I must say, I'm not sure I like it.

When buying this game, I actually thought I was buying a Tomb Raider game. This actually feels more like some horror version of Uncharted, and I'm not liking it so far (even if I love Uncharted as a game). What happened to the simple adventuring game with the occasional shooting bad guys with auto-aim?

I really miss the old games (Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2).
I received this game in the mail yesterday and after playing it for a good hour, I must say, I'm not sure I like it.

When buying this game, I actually thought I was buying a Tomb Raider game. This actually feels more like some horror version of Uncharted, and I'm not liking it so far (even if I love Uncharted as a game). What happened to the simple adventuring game with the occasional shooting bad guys with auto-aim?

I really miss the old games (Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2).

That's what I'm always saying...

I miss the EIDOS age. I think this is the best way to put it.
I received this game in the mail yesterday and after playing it for a good hour, I must say, I'm not sure I like it.

When buying this game, I actually thought I was buying a Tomb Raider game. This actually feels more like some horror version of Uncharted, and I'm not liking it so far (even if I love Uncharted as a game). What happened to the simple adventuring game with the occasional shooting bad guys with auto-aim?

I really miss the old games (Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2).

Eh, did you not read any reviews? Almost every review pointed this out. This is not Tomb Raider 1 & 2 with prettier graphics.