Eh, did you not read any reviews? Almost every review pointed this out. This is not Tomb Raider 1 & 2 with prettier graphics.
No, I clearly did not.
Even if I did, I still think the criticism is valid - people buy games based on expectations. I like Uncharted to be Uncharted, just as I like other games to be other games. If you change the style of the game too much, there's a chance you might alienate your target customer.
Anyway - I played some more over the weekend, and dare I say, I like it more and more. For all my criticism of it being a different game, I'm actually quite liking the changes...
The gameplay mechanics are very good. They might be just like Uncharted, but I guess that is a good thing after all. I also like that for the most part, you're adventuring and not shooting bad guys. The biggest faults are IMO the real-time-events, when something is happening and you're supposed to press a particular button to avoid getting killed. The time you have to press that button can be painfully short at times - even knowing that you have to hit damn triangle in that instant, I still managed to miss it a couple of times, resulting in death and the loading screen to try it again.
Apart from that, the story is getting better too. I still would prefer "mature Lara" on some secret mission rather than "insecure Lara" finding out who she really is, but for what it's worth, this game might actually be a good start and basis to relaunch the series.
It's a whole lot better than Tomb Raider Underworld that was - well, more of a Tomb Raider game, but just far too cheesy in some places. The gameplay mechanics in this game are a whole lot better.
eloyc; Have you completed the game yet? Still standing behind your criticism or did you change your mind as well?