Tomb Raider

Well, at this point, it's probably just their marketing attempt to reach out to the cinematic + shooter audiences. But hey, if they don't show anything with exploration at some point then well... oops.
The game looks promising. Graphics look very good. Most likely I will get it. I dont mind games borrowing ideas from other games. But seeing this, it is SOOOOO Uncharty that its like they were trying to copy it more than I would have expected. It feels almost like I am seeing the exact same Uncharted scenes replaced with a woman main character. The end result is that it lefts me with the impression that this Tomb Raider has no personality, no soul, no character of its own.
Its like a high budget project with the main goal to copy Uncharted.

I think its more like Uncharted copied Tomb Raider but did it right and then just made it so much better with the following episodes. I don't think TR can really recover from that unless they change the formula which is what it looks like they are doing. More survival horror with some adventure. I like it myself!
When was TR ever a linear set-piece driven cover based shooter? TR levels were like Zelda temples. Or the castles in Prince of Persia. You could actually die in these games when you mistimed a jump.
Well, what is the problem with uncharted copy??

I really liked the gameplay stuff: only few minutes but already lots of variety in gameplay! Wonder if this insane pace is keeped throughout the whole game!?!?

First time I am interested in TR game!

But: voice of girl is a no go, especially the screaming!
I think its more like Uncharted copied Tomb Raider but did it right and then just made it so much better with the following episodes. I don't think TR can really recover from that unless they change the formula which is what it looks like they are doing. More survival horror with some adventure. I like it myself!

Uncharted had some similarities but it wasnt a Tomb Raider with a malae protagonist. For reference check how different this Tomb Raider is compared to previous TR games. They are completely different. But the TR reboot is way too similar to Uncharted.
I fully understand the reboot to depart away from the original games or even get some ideas from Uncharted (which is something so many games tend to do recently) but this one is way too Uncharted. At least based on that video
Well, what is the problem with uncharted copy??

That it's not Tomb Raider of course. If I want to play Uncharted I have 4 of these games already fulfilling exactly that need. Or I could just watch a movie and spare myself the tiresome shooting bits. Don't even have to press qte buttons to escape burning buildings then.
Sigfried1977 said:
That it's not Tomb Raider of course. If I want to play Uncharted I have 4 of these games already fulfilling exactly that need. Or I could just watch a movie and spare myself the tiresome shooting bits. Don't even have to press qte buttons to escape burning buildings then.

Err, you are quite negative here!
I am happy that most people don't see it like you and am especially happy that the TR devs don't see it like you do!

If the game is good, I'll play it! The rest, I do not care...
TR levels were like Zelda temples. Or the castles in Prince of Persia. You could actually die in these games when you mistimed a jump.
I miss the old Tomb Raider games. It was always the puzzles and exploration I was into, not the combat. They're continuing to go entirely the wrong way with the series, IMO.
I miss the old Tomb Raider games. It was always the puzzles and exploration I was into, not the combat. They're continuing to go entirely the wrong way with the series, IMO.

<off topic>
If you want a great exploration game, try Guild Wars 2, it's a cooperative (or competitive if you go in arenas or World vs World vs World maps) MMORPG.
(There's no competition over monsters neither resources, no need to group except for dungeons, participating/helping is always welcome and rewarded, everyone can raise everyone else.)
The world is really big and there's always a new place you want to visit on the horizon, or a new event taking place close by.
I lolled pretty hard at the demonstration. The game design so lame and over the top, especially the parachute part.
The graphics looked pretty nice though, but I must add that the presentation from last year, in comparison, seemed to be running on better hardware.
Or is that just me?
As an actual skydiver, I find the parachute part so stupid.
Also I don't understand why there's so much screaming, it's ok when she's hitting things and such but even when times when she's sliding down a slope or life threatening situations people are normally too scared to even open their mouth. Its even more annoying because it's the same screaming noise played over and over again.
I lolled pretty hard at the demonstration. The game design so lame and over the top, especially the parachute part.
The graphics looked pretty nice though, but I must add that the presentation from last year, in comparison, seemed to be running on better hardware.
Or is that just me?

Its like they are trying too much. The director must have said "hey Uncharted does this and that. Lets take this and that and multiply it by 100 and throw the player from one bad situation to the next without a break until he forgets he needs to take a dump. It doesnt matter if its ridiculous. Just do it. Why do you think Nike t-shirts are part of the dress code in this company? Eventually some reporter will pick it up and say it is 100 times bigger than Unchy. And its got a chick too. One that almost gets raped like Monica Bellucci. Nobody wants to f*ck Harrison Ford .Success guaranteed I tell ya"
Its like they are trying too much. The director must have said "hey Uncharted does this and that. Lets take this and that and multiply it by 100 and throw the player from one bad situation to the next without a break until he forgets he needs to take a dump. It doesnt matter if its ridiculous. Just do it. Why do you think Nike t-shirts are part of the dress code in this company? Eventually some reporter will pick it up and say it is 100 times bigger than Unchy. And its got a chick too. One that almost gets raped like Monica Bellucci. Nobody wants to f*ck Harrison Ford .Success guaranteed I tell ya"

whaha, this made my day :D
also the Irreversible reference :LOL:

Btw resident evil 6 also gave a bit of an 'overdone' vibe. In 5 minutes they traveled a few kilometres in total it seemed :-S
I miss the old Tomb Raider games. It was always the puzzles and exploration I was into, not the combat. They're continuing to go entirely the wrong way with the series, IMO.

I believe every Tomb Raider fan was into the exploration parts. Kinda funny how most people celebrate the homogenization of yet another rather unique series, yet they throw a complete fit over Capcom giving Devil May Cry what seems like nothing more than visual make over, while trying to actually tell something resembling a proper story for the first time. (loved that new DmC trailer by the way)
I've gotta watch the vid when I get home. A Tomb Raider game without some great platforming is not worth playing. I saw that Star Wars 1313 vid, and I felt like Uncharted has sort of steered platforming into a place that I don't like. You basically have heavily scripted platforming, that looks absolutely amazing and cinematic, but is no fun to play. Press A/X and push in the general direction to win. If that's the route Tomb Raider has taken, along with a bigger focus on shooting, then my interest has gone from pretty high to pretty low.
Kinda sad after watching the video. I loved the older Tomb Raider games, especially Underworld. The climbing, exploration, puzzle solving etc, great stuff. It wasn't about just shooting, it was about exploring and solving. This new game looks to have lost that, I fear it's become another generic action game like so many others, it doesn't feel like a Tomb Raider game anymore. Boo :( Hope I'm wrong though, maybe the trailer just focused on the wham bam blast stuff for impact and the game itself still mostly feels like Tomb Raider. Fingers crossed...
I'm a huge Tomb Raider fan but this game looks so stupid. The amount of on the edge moments full of close shaves in this game is just awful, even more than Uncharted.
Yeah, can't say I'll be getting this anytime soon, though I suppose my track record for TR games thus far has seen me waiting years anyway.
Reviews for the game are really glowing. This will be viewed as sucessfool reboot.

Btw, for those who did not see, PC version will use AMD's TressFX technology [based on Direct Compute] for realistic hair rendering:



This will also work on Nvidia cards.