Tomb Raider

Crossroads trailer is brand new and it shows MUCH MUCH more of the game. Only first 1min covers the old material [escaping the cave].

Anyhow, bold changes, more personal story, lots of interactions with characters [both good and bad] and very high stakes. I really want to see how they will forge badass character of Lara Croft that we all know from previous games out of this inexperienced girl.

Big kudos Eidos, they have balls.
Not impressed. Appears to fit the definition of "un-game" rather well. Set piece to set piece, cutscene to cutscene, with very little actual gameplay or having the user do much of anything except move from point A to point B. Pretty much what I expected after seeing the cave bit from last year.

I hope I'm wrong (the franchise needs it), but it's looking more and more like I'm not.
Not impressed. Appears to fit the definition of "un-game" rather well. Set piece to set piece, cutscene to cutscene, with very little actual gameplay or having the user do much of anything except move from point A to point B. Pretty much what I expected after seeing the cave bit from last year.

I hope I'm wrong (the franchise needs it), but it's looking more and more like I'm not.

Thankfully you were wrong. Game has big focus on open world gameplay and exploration. Game Informer info:
- Don't expect much of the old linear platforming formula. "We're now giving the player the opportunity to go into a space and choose their own path. Where we take you across the ledge of the B-52 bomber, that's a tutorial. Once you move away from the plane, everything is basically open, dynamic traversal where the player has the freedom to roam around a jump from location to location with ease..."

- You'll be able to air steer, direction control, speed her up/down during jumps

- The game has an XP system. You'll be able to use this for upgrading Lara's abilities. You'll also have to scavenge for materials to upgrade Lara's equipment

- The base camps will allow you to upgrade Lara's abilities, improve your equipment and fast travel to other base camps that you've visited on the island

- Early on you'll only have a few options to upgrade Lara, such as giving her the ability to carry additional arrows for her bow or increasing the speed that she's able to shoot the arrows. As you continue the system will open up and allow you to shape her abilities to your playstyle.

- The context-sensitive actions are one-off sequences. For example, the scene with Lara stabbing the wolf is only going to happen once in the game. They say that if you do it right the first time it'll have an impact.

- "There is linearity to the story - you have to go from point A to point B - but there's junctions in between where we want the player to feel like they're real explorers." These are described as non-linear hub spaces that you can come back to at different times of day.
Advertisements say one thing, the game may say another. Won't know for sure until it's released. We'll have to wait and see.

Don't get me wrong, I'd really like for this to hearken back to the original TR games, I'm just not hopeful that they'll actually do it.

I can see what loek's saying, though. The consoles are getting a bit long in the tooth, and it's starting to show. The first thing I noticed watching the video was Lara's hair. She's hanging upside down, and the only part of her hair that's actually hanging like.. you know, hair.. is her ponytail. The rest of it's just a static mesh that's stuck to her head and is strangely unaffected by gravity.
The lighting looks weak, no HDR? The model and textures are alright but a couple of levels below Uncharted, I hope the map is a lot more explorable though. I'm a huge fan of adventure games like Tomb Raider so interest is not faded one bit.
Sounds like the game may have borrowed from Arkham City. Kind of Arkham City meets Uncharted. Not sure I like the voice acting for Lara, but I'm hoping this is a good one.
Doesn't look or feel like a Tomb Raider game to me. Looks like Uncharted(for good or bad). My favorite Tomb Raider game is Legend. I really need to play Underworld to finish the story. Then I might check into this one.

Tommy McClain
Doesn't look or feel like a Tomb Raider game to me. Looks like Uncharted(for good or bad). My favorite Tomb Raider game is Legend. I really need to play Underworld to finish the story. Then I might check into this one.

Tommy McClain

Underworld is pretty good, like an improved version of Legend IMO so I think you'll like it.
She's getting impaled, walks into a bear trap, nearly gets raped and seems to be generally covered in someone's blood. What's not ugly about that? Where are the lush environments, the towering monuments, the grand architecture? That's what I meant when I said pretty. (I'm not talking about some technical whiz-bang here.)
She's getting impaled, walks into a bear trap, nearly gets raped and seems to be generally covered in someone's blood. What's not ugly about that? Where are the lush environments, the towering monuments, the grand architecture? That's what I meant when I said pretty. (I'm not talking about some technical whiz-bang here.)

From the looks of it, you'll still get all of that as well. There has to be some darker moments in what's meant to be a survival game.
The game looks promising. Graphics look very good. Most likely I will get it. I dont mind games borrowing ideas from other games. But seeing this, it is SOOOOO Uncharty that its like they were trying to copy it more than I would have expected. It feels almost like I am seeing the exact same Uncharted scenes replaced with a woman main character. The end result is that it lefts me with the impression that this Tomb Raider has no personality, no soul, no character of its own.
Its like a high budget project with the main goal to copy Uncharted.
From the looks of it, you'll still get all of that as well. There has to be some darker moments in what's meant to be a survival game.

From the looks of it nothing hints at anything like I've mentioned so far. So far I've seen a couple of trailers playing up the violence parts and an entirely scripted shooter sequence.