Tomb Raider

I like the new look of Lara, dirty, vulnerable and proportional. The setting reminds me of Lost and a bit of Skull island from King Kong, the idea of an open world exploration really intrigues me so props to that! Also people were asking for boob physics and I can't blame them, maybe check out Itagaki's studio from time to time:)?

In the link above there's a video showing the making of the better render and image of Lara Croft I have ever seen. I think it's the best version of the character to date. I enjoyed the first game and Lara Croft: GoL and that's pretty much it.

As said before, this one Lara looks more proportional, womanly, "normal" and just like she is doomed to only natural beauty. :smile:

Previous versions looked like plastic dolls. Appearance is a very abstract, really strange thing in my mind, but it's obvious the current version of Lara looks much better for most people.

By the way, nice to have you around again, ShootMyMonkey. Hope you enjoy it here, again.
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Well I donno, the one from Underworld looked pretty believable. Her proportions could roughly be compared to the Lara Croft model for that game Alison Carroll (who happens to be a professional gymnast). This face would look like a plastic doll as well if it wasn't covered with mud, marks and blood.

I still believe that the new 3D model of Lara resembles Underworld's Lara quite a bit.
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^It does. Her face has very similar proportions. The nose, the chin, the eyes - all still very much like in the last game, just with an added layer of realism, and Underworld didn't chase after fotorealism anyway. (totally fine by me)
Oh I have read some years ago in a book about the bermuda triangle that there is another similar place near Japan. It's probably it
Oh I have read some years ago in a book about the bermuda triangle that there is another similar place near Japan. It's probably it

But why wait so long ? This game will be in production for another year. Release fall 2012... duh
That TR level has a RE look and feel to it...looking good but was the consecutive rock ledge jumping portion sctripted?
Of all the games I have now seen after the E3, Ihave to say, this is the one that surprized me the most. I really liked what they showed and the new direction and can't wait for the game, but holiday 2012?...
The Uncharted series are no longer the lone rulers of ingame characters, IMHO.





Still a bit generic, particularly the shape of the nose, but looking very good (artistically) and quite emotive too.

(Interesting note: the best CG female character is still the princess in Tangled, IMHO. She's so convincing and charming that it's actually a bit disturbing...)
Yap,they seem to follow ND footsteps.Great character models-->great textures-->nice depth of field and lighting.This seems to work like charm for adventure games:smile: