"Most developers arent being slowed down by slow shaders IMO."
but this doesn't mean they aren't slow, and they certainly aren't overly complex.
"From what I heard porting Halo to the PC was hell.
There's no surprise the hardware requirement went way up for doing the same amount of work."
but they aren't doing the same amount of work. haloPC has ps2.0 while haloXB only has 1.1. much of the rendering engine was redone, so it's not an apple to apples comparison.
i guess i shouldn't have used halo as an example. with any game there are people that are satisfied and dissatisfied with it's performance because it is subjective and partly related to the gaming experience. here's a more synthetic example. check out humus' water demo...
"Required Direct3D capabilities:
Vertex shader 1.1
Pixel shader 2.0
RG16F render targets"
on my r9700 i can get over 2000fps while the water plane is not on screen, but when the water is covering all of the screen i get about 60-65. from the default camera angle (water covers aprox 50% of screen) the framerate jumps around but looks to average about 130-150. there are no shaders on the skybox where i'm getting 2000fps, the performance hit for this single plane with a ps2.0 effect on it is insane! it's 30 times slower with the shader covering the full screen.
this effect is the best interactive pixel based water effect i've seen. but as nice the demo looks, it's still not what i'd consider a "extremely complex pixel shader". it's just pushing the limits of what this generation of hardware can do.