Time article on Nintendo

Not dumbed down compared to what? I guess if you want to say that Nintendo games aren't dumbed down compared to previous Nintendo games.. you may be able to make some kind of point.

But thier games are 1) simple and 2) supposedly going to be even moreso in the future.

You can't market to kids if they think you are lame. The only way to appeal to young audiences is to appeal to older audiences. Kids want to do what older kids are doing. You need to make fun games with something to actually do besides pushing the big green action button.. games that aren't percieved as kiddy or family games. The market has proven this generation after generation.

I think an ergonomic console alone could do wonders. Nintendo really shot themselves in the foot by releasing a purple box IMO.
You can't market to kids if they think you are lame.
They don't. Ask Microsoft with it's "mature" image how lame kids think GameCube is. Talking about first-hand experience here, a kid touching a GC gets hooked instantly.

I think an ergonomic console alone could do wonders. Nintendo really shot themselves in the foot by releasing a purple box IMO.

purple - may be, box - don't think so, GC is one of the sexiest consoles of all times IMO, the system (both inside and outside), the controller, the mini-DVDs, the colors (dreams about the red one)...

Edit: I have to agree one needs to appeal to the older audience, but GC does just that IMO.
They don't. Ask Microsoft with it's "mature" image how lame kids think GameCube is. Talking about first-hand experience here, a kid touching a GC gets hooked instantly.

If the kids looking up to you like the gamecube, and you like the gamecube, you have only helped make my point. :) I also have a young cousin who loves his gamecube, we play together all the time. Childlike, easy or family oriented aren't qualities that make kids excited about videogames. You do, and other kids thier age (and thus thier role models) do.

Now, when I think 'family oriented'. I think of something that is usually safe for kids. They are the lowest commond denominator for family activity in that sense. But if there is a fun game like Halo, that has cartoony blood, no sex, ect.. then I have no problem playing that with kids. They even manage to pull of lighthearted humor (the little guys are always yelling funny stuff.) And there goes Nintendo's whole family market. All they have left is the mechanics of thier games. And if they are planning on making those mechanics simpler and simpler.. I forsee only more troubles for them.
I can see your point. Still we have to remember the simplicity idea is about Nintendo's software, and it's an area where they are not just successful, they're exceptionally well performing so far... I hope (and believe) it's not about just being able to run around pressing "A", but more like getting at once comfortable with the games' mechanics, which is something different. IMO we can trust Nintendo making the right choice, looking at their record 8)

About the mature games and their appealing to kids - it's something I was wandering about for some time... it's seems actually what's called "mature" appeals more to kids, while "kiddie" is found fun by adults..... it might be just me though.
"I think an ergonomic console alone could do wonders. Nintendo really shot themselves in the foot by releasing a purple box IMO"



(used with a sing. verb) The applied science of equipment design, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. Also called biotechnology, human engineering, human factors engineering.
(used with a pl. verb) Design factors, as for the workplace, intended to maximize productivity by minimizing operator fatigue and discomfort: The ergonomics of the new office were felt to be optimal.

in my opinion nintendo has a pretty ergonomic console aleady. i have yet to experience any irregular amounts of operator fatigue
Main Entry: er·go·nom·ics
Pronunciation: "&r-g&-'nä-miks
Function: noun plural but singular or plural in construction
Etymology: erg- + -nomics (as in economics)
Date: 1949
: an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely -- called also human engineering

It's not safe because it HURTS MY MANLY EGO (come on.. pink?)!! :p :oops:

I apologize.. I meant slick, cool, neat, ect..
Johnny Awesome said:
The perfect example of dumbed down is Metroid Prime, where they refused to use the industry standard FPS controls that other games on PS2 and Xbox had been using for years. It was extremely irritating not to be able to look and move at the same time.

:oops: :oops: :oops: :eek: o_O o_O :devilish: :devilish: :devilish:
the GC is very ergonomic when it comes to portability....none of the competitors can claim carry and go portability. MY GC is black and matches the color of my audio components so it fits right in.
I wonder if Nintendo will add multimedia options to the GameCube 2... Maybe a possible alliance with Panasonic to make some low cost DVD/HDD add-on?
"I wonder if Nintendo will add multimedia options to the GameCube 2... Maybe a possible alliance with Panasonic to make some low cost DVD/HDD add-on?"
nintendo is announcing a "new" gaming device that's not a new console this comming spring (nh). my theory, adding dvd playback to existing gamecube technology (for markets outside japan), maybe even with tivo capabilities.
You know I was reading an article in a uk mag about this .

They were talking about how mature tittles are really just simple games filled with curse words and the games that get the brush like zelda don't sell as well. Its because of the cursing and the advertising. I think it was games tm . It was relaly good. Problem is i read it at barnes and noble