Fafalada said:
While it could work, I have to question if it would be worth the while. Maybe cuz I've considered variations of this back in PS2 days that I doubt it more... but anyway.
Perhaps if you progressively refined your mesh on visibility basis only when the other adaptive parameters(distance, screen space coverage etc) already tell you it needs very fine detail - but then we're also back to argument that more conservative occlusion queries with just bounding box analysis could be enough.
But then I noticed the discussion already came to that conclusion on other issues as well.
I don't understand your point here
First, the context: a very detailed scene described with a progressive mesh. Btw, there's a lot of different progressive mesh description outthere, but let's stick with a general definition: a hierarchical definition where you add more and more details while going deeper and deeper in the tree.
Then obviously, you want to cull the tree, and to evaluate only a small portion of it. Again, to simplify, let's forget about any time-coherence optimisation.
Here are the different culling-criteria you want to apply:
- frustrum
- backface
- precision
- visibility
Ideally, if these culling are well done, you only render the triangles needed to cover the screen, and no more.
Obviously, you don't want to generate everything to cull it afterward: much better to use some "branch&bound-like" methods where you directly approximate an entire sub-tree and check it against the 4 culling-criteria.
Ok, you obviously know all that. I just wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing.
So what's you're point here...
Are you saying that visibility culling is too costly and should be ignored ?
Are you talking about the nature of the BBox, and saying that AABBox are good enough in most cases, even for visibility ?
Or are you saying that the order and occurence of culling tests are decisive and should be optimised ?
Please discuss :smile: