This cant be true - Teacher convicted to 40 years

personally I know what this woman is going through, I got accuited last year on charges of underage porn. I was lucky enough to be in a big city though and there experts where real and figured out that it was spyware and popups and that my even log showed i killed the computer as they started to pop up, but I have an idea how she feels in all of this.
Irregardless of how innocent/guilty this woman is I just find it mindboggling anyone can get sentenced to 40 years in jail for showing porn to minors.

MURDERERS can get off with less dammit.

This is nothing short of a travesty fro beginning to end. The prosecutor judge and jurors ought to be sent to prison for 40 years instead.

It shows what a screwed-up conceited time we live in when sex is seen as something this controversial.
Wow this is sad. Hope she gets off on appeal. But why oh why did she not hit the friggin' power button on the monitor or computer. You don't have to be literate in anything to understand the basic concept of the power button. I understand she was told not to turn off the computer but considering the porn pop-ups and the children it would've been the decent thing to turn off the computer and have to deal with the hassle of the school logging her back into the computer.
Wow this is sad. Hope she gets off on appeal. But why oh why did she not hit the friggin' power button on the monitor or computer. You don't have to be literate in anything to understand the basic concept of the power button.

It's not at all uncommon to find PCs where the power button is anything but prominent. Easily reachable for a regular user? Usually yes. Easy to find in a hurry if you don't have a clear idea of where to look or what the button is supposed to look like? Not really. You could also be running into one of those power buttons that needs to be held in for 4 seconds to turn the PC off, in which case it is not obvious for someone not knowing about the 4-second rule how the button is supposed to be used.
Irregardless of how innocent/guilty this woman is I just find it mindboggling anyone can get sentenced to 40 years in jail for showing porn to minors.

MURDERERS can get off with less dammit.

This is nothing short of a travesty fro beginning to end. The prosecutor judge and jurors ought to be sent to prison for 40 years instead.

It shows what a screwed-up conceited time we live in when sex is seen as something this controversial.
Another question: Do you think this could have happened in Europe? In what other countries do you think this might have happened?
Another question: Do you think this could have happened in Europe? In what other countries do you think this might have happened?
Not in mine - atleast not in this context.
We are actually the other extreme. You might recall the "Kampusch"-Case? A little girl, I think 10 years old at that time, got kidnapped, had to live 8 years in some kind of bunker-room until she managed to escape. The kidnapper comitted suicide, if he would have faced the court, the maximum penalty wouldve been 10 years.

But similar to the ridiculous 40-yers sentence, if you even remotly mention anything from the third reich (in whatever context ), you face extreme penalties. Some idiots running round in uniforms in the woods, doing something similar to military training will get 15+ years easily, without harming anyone.
Here in the Netherlands it would be thrown out of court by being preposterous.
Another question: Do you think this could have happened in Europe? In what other countries do you think this might have happened?
Sadly I can't think of even one single other country where a person could get sentenced to FOURTY YEARS for showing PORN (even involuntarily!) to minors. That's a complete travesty iof justice.

I can think of many other countries where you can get sentenced to outrageously long prison sentences for any number of things however but they're oretty much all dictatorships and/or "democracies" with authoritarian and/or theocratic governments. It's stuff like you preach kurdish rights or say there was a genocide on assyrians and you get thrown in jail (Turkey), you "insult" (question is more likely) the prez and islam and you get thrown in jail (Egypt and many other similar states).

In fact the blogger in Egypt who was recently convicted "only" got five years..

Not exactly the kind of company any civilized nation would like to keep especially if it pounds itself on the chest for being the greatest on earth.

Another question: Do you think this could have happened in Europe? In what other countries do you think this might have happened?

In denmark it wouldn't even have hit the news...we have biology(incl. sex education in that age)...
Would the reasons for making the news be because it simply would not happen or because no one would care?

We don't live in the victorian ages here anymore, and no one would care.
Out televison dosn't censor, we can say fuck(or any other curseword) with no bleep, hell one of our national TV channels sent couples having actual sex and displayed the poper use of condoms in prime time (full mothy and everything), we where the first to legalize porn, we where the first to legalize gay marriges, hell look at what our contribution at the Eurovision Melodi Grand Prix:

We are not prunes, and we shake our head when we he horrorstories like this form the US, the biggest manufactor of porn..

I guess it's one of those things that openminded europeans never will seem to be stuck somewhere in the past...
Would the reasons for making the news be because it simply would not happen or because no one would care?
The latter. You get lots of nude just watching the six o'clock news (advertizing) here. Sex still sells.
"Of course I don't have one of those filthy computers! I only read decent books! And I would never...

Those poor kids! She made them go to Hell!

Sob, sob..."


"Well, anyone who regulary used a computer over the last decade knows the problem. What more is there to say about it?

And anyway, at that age those kids think about sex all day long. Like we all did.

Good thing, otherwise there wouldn't be much kids in the first place. Besides, it's not as if they never see nudity. Most of them watch television. And they get to see porn movies at school during sexual education anyway. So, where is the problem?"
"Of course I don't have one of those filthy computers! I only read decent books! And I would never...

Those poor kids! She made them go to Hell!

Sob, sob..."


"Well, anyone who regulary used a computer over the last decade knows the problem. What more is there to say about it?

And anyway, at that age those kids think about sex all day long. Like we all did.

Good thing, otherwise there wouldn't be much kids in the first place. Besides, it's not as if they never see nudity. Most of them watch television. And they get to see porn movies at school during sexual education anyway. So, where is the problem?"

Backward legislation in the US it seems...
If word of law will became more then sense of law then US or whatever country will fail in justice. Someone is really loosing grip.