Regarding funding for the Group of 184:
It is known that Rosny Desroches is head of the Fondation Haitienne de l'Enseignement Prive (FONHEP), and that the FNH is run by M. Andre Apaid Jnr. Both FONHEP and FNH are members of the ISC. All members of the ISC are also members of the Group of 184. Indeed, Andre Apaid Jnr. is the Group of 184's main spokesperson.
According to the EC, M. Desroches and the FNH are charged with disbursing the EC funds to "human rights groups" in Haiti. Fourteen organisations are listed by the EC as among those receiving EC funding via M. Desroches and the FNH. These 14 organisations are:
FNH - Fondation Nouvelle Haiti;
CCIH - Chambre de commerce et d'industrie;
CNEH - Confederation Nationale des educateurs haitiens;
OGITH - Organisation generale independante des travailleurs haitiens;
CRESFED - Centre de Recherche et de Formation Economique et Sociale;
MOUFHED - Mouvement des femmes haitiennes pour l'education et le developpement;
CEDH - Centre oecumenique des droits humains;
Commission Justice et Paix;
Femmes en democratie;
KOP (Coordination des organisations populaires);
CEPRODHD - Centre pour la promotion des droits humains et de la democratie en Haiti;
FPDH - Fondation pour la Promotion des droits de l'homme;
CREDH - Centre de recherche pour le developpement humain;
CED - Collectif pour l'education et le developpement.
The first seven organisations in the above list are members of the Group of 184:
· As we have already mentioned, the FNH is run by Andre Apaid Jnr. - the Group of 184's main spokesperson. Another FNH leader is Leopold Berlanger, the director of conservative radio station, Radio Vision2000, and a long-time US favourite.
· The head of the CICH, Maurice Lafortune, has also appeared in public as a Group of 184 spokesperson.
· The CNEH and the OGITH are trade unions, both members of the Group of 184.
· The CRESFED is a non-governmental organisation headed by Suzy Castor, a leading member of the Organisation du Peuple en Lutte political party.
· The MOUFHED is a non-governmental organisation headed by Jessie Benoit, a leading member of the Konakom political party.
· The CEDH is a human rights organisation headed by Jean-Claude Bajeux, one of the founders, and a former secretary-general, of the Konakom political party.
The Organisation du Peuple en Lutte and Konakom political parties are members of the Democratic Convergence coalition.